Options for getting rid of Vince Young.. if need be.

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by PitBull, Jan 19, 2009.

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  1. CRUDS

    CRUDS Moderator Staff

    Drew Bennett aside, everybody drops VY's passes. Dropped passes was a huge topic of discussion here when Vince was starting.
  2. theprizdfighter

    theprizdfighter Newb to the 19.5°

    With Vince starting, our receivers had little motivation to run their routes completely and precisely. Mainly because Vince rarely knew where to go with the ball against the defensive schemes. He especially had no sense of timing with when the ball needed to be thrown for the receivers to have the best opportunity for a catch and depending on the route and opportunity to run after the catch. I probably could have explained that a little better, but w.e you will get my point.

    What Collins gives us is the knowledge of where to go with the ball against certain defenses and when the ball has to be thrown. He gets the ball where it needs to be when it needs to be there. With what Collins brings to the table it in turns gives the receivers much more motivation to run the routes hard and with precision. Knowing that if they run their route as hard as they can Collins will put the ball on target and at the right point of the route depending on what the defense gives us as a best option.

    Vince should have stayed in the skyboxes longer than one game?? I'm not positive he just stayed up there for a single game, but I believe it would have been more benefical to keep him up there for multiple games so he could have seen Kerry's progessions with different defensive schemes. Hopefully Vince picked up some things, but I don't really feel like he did. I like Simms, but is already getting up there. I want us to draft Harrell. And I probably wouldn't mind trading VY; especially if KFC is the starter next year and we make no efforts to implement VY into our offense in other ways. He is too much of a hit on the cap to be sitting on the bench. I feel it was ridiculous that our coaching staff made no efforts to implement him this season, but that's Fisher (oldschool). I feel it really would have shaken up our offense a bit, made defenses prepare for Young with the ball and could have made defenses uneasy even when we would use Young as a decoy, which he would have been a very good one.
    • High Five High Five x 3
  3. CRUDS

    CRUDS Moderator Staff

    That last bit ^ deserves its own thread..
  4. Gunny

    Gunny Shoutbox Fuhrer

    It still isn't a reason for the drops.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  5. psychotictitan

    psychotictitan Its About That Time...

  6. PhiSlammaJamma

    PhiSlammaJamma Critical Possession

    I don't understand any of the logic. If you assume Collins threw a more accurate and catchable ball, then I have to ask, what happened.

    Exhibit A:
    Collins 58.3%
    Vince Young 62.3%

    So what do you know. So the only rational argument for his having a higher completion percentage is that Vince Young threw shorter passes for less yards. Now that sounds like a good argument.

    But look at the stats....

    Exhibit B
    Collins 11.1 yards per catch
    Vince 10.7 yards per catch

    So that didn't happen either.

    So how is it that Collins threw a more catchable ball, and that our Wide Receivers worked harder. Because honestly, the numbers don't bear any of that out.

    Now look at the yards per attempt, where Vince actually does better, showing that he is going downfield more than Collins because he had just about the same number of yards as collins, but in less attempts.

    Exhibit C
    Collins 6.4 yards/att
    Young 6.7 yards/att

    I just fail to see how on earth Collins is more accurate. I need to see something that bears that out. It's an illusion that I feel people want to be true, but that just isn't.
  7. nate42104

    nate42104 Camp Fodder

    Imagine Kerry & Vince lined up to throw footballs through a tire that was pinned up on a semi truck. Say they threw 100 balls each. They get 10 points for each that lands in the middle of the tire, and lose 1 point for every foot away from the edge of the tire when we miss. So, if you miss the tire by 1 foot, you lose 1 point, and so on.

    Vince & Kerry may throw the same number of balls through the tire, say half the time. The difference, as their 2007-2008 numbers indicate, is that when Vince misses, he misses BAD. And, in the NFL, when you miss bad, there is a price to pay. Especially on a team built around field position and focused on getting the lead and protecting it.

    I believe the OP's measure of accuracy was based on this idea. That Kerry would win this contest. And, I dont think anyone is saying Kerry is a great quarterback. I know I'm not anyways. He is like buying a late model Ford Taurus when you've been driving a 1983 Honda Fiero around since you were 16 that Dad told you had a ton of potential.
  8. TitanJeff

    TitanJeff Kahuna Grande Staff

    A bit off-topic but something I noticed looking at that video of Young...

    Is it me or does he look much bigger now? As in heavier? I went back to some photos taken at training camp in '06 and he looks much leaner to me.

    I wondered last season if this was the case. I don't know if it was the quad but he didn't seem to have the same burst when he ran. He made it look effortless his rookie season. If his size has impacted his quickness and speed, then I hope the conditions coach for the Titans gets him back to where he needs to be this offseason.
  9. Soxcat

    Soxcat Pro Bowler

    VY's completion rate to the other team is much higher which is the biggest reason VY is an inferior QB. VY also takes more sacks.

    My biggest dissapointment in VY is he had a chance to show something in the Colts game and he looked like he never played a NFL game in his career. IMO VY has a much bigger work ethic problem than LW. If I were VY I'd spend the offseason working 12 hours a day on footwork, accuracy, watching film and doing whatever it took (he needs to pay for a full time QB coach and trainer to work with him 5 days a week) to become the very best he can be. Otherwise he is just another QB bust. VY needs to come to camp with the attitude he is going to be the best QB in the NFL.
  10. Riverman

    Riverman That may be.... Tip Jar Donor


    Partying at UT can make a brotha phat!
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