Options for getting rid of Vince Young.. if need be.

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by PitBull, Jan 19, 2009.

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  1. PitBull

    PitBull Bred to Brawl

    So lets say we start the season, throw Vince in there.. and by week 5 he continues to be a non factor and not worth what we would be paying him in 2010.. what options do we have for getting rid of him safely?

    I doubt many (or any) teams would line up to take him over and adopt his big salary.. and cutting him would be a disaster for our cap..-or i've been told.

    So.. how doomed are we? options..?
  2. Jwill1919

    Jwill1919 Coach

    Let him sit, let him learn and hopefuly Dinger can channel the Magic that he once had while still improving his passing skills. He is the future, but the future may not be next year....better to be 2 years from now than never though.
  3. TBC_titan

    TBC_titan Camp Fodder

    When Dinger came back last spring, he made this comment (to paraphrase) about Vince and his development:
    I'd like to work with him for two more seasons. I will be able to better determine his future/status as an NFL quarterback.

    One season down. One to go. They will not get rid of him before the 2009 season, if even then.
    We all know that Vince is Bud's guy.
    We all know that Dinger wants to work with him for at least another season before he even decides what VY's fate with the Titans is.
    We all know that Bud writes the checks. We all know that Fisher trusts Dinger's word (especially if he brought Dinger back).
    So with that, unless we get a hell of a deal for Vince, he will be here all season in 2009.

    I'm not ready to give up on Vince just yet, but he has only one more season to prove he's ready to be an NFL QB.
  4. Smash

    Smash 2017 Survivor Winner

    Trade him for 2 first round picks.
  5. Daves not here

    Daves not here Camp Fodder


    He's not worth 1 First Round Draft Pick at this time, let alone two ... he MAY, MAY be worth a 2nd rounder, maybe a 3rd
  6. Smash

    Smash 2017 Survivor Winner

    He's got more potential than any of the QBs in the draft and most of the current QBs in the NFL.
  7. Jwill1919

    Jwill1919 Coach

    So does David Carr.....but they're both damaged goods. We couldn't get a 5th rounder for VY right now.
  8. nate42104

    nate42104 Camp Fodder

    The word potential is often used with this guy. He's entering his 4th season. When will VY and the word potential finally go their separate ways?

    In the AFC this year an 11-5 team didn't make the playoffs. It's safe to say that every game matters, so by 'trying him out' we are essentially giving up the 2009 season if it doesn't work. I can't imagine how other players on the roster would feel about giving up what they work so hard for, for the sake of hoping 1 player turns out to be 'average.'
  9. ColtKiller

    ColtKiller Starter

    The success of our team wouldn't rely heavily upon VY performing well. Keep in mind, the 'terror year' that convinced everyone that VY couldn't make it (2007) was our first playoff berth in 4 years. If he's made any improvement at all then he should be able to manage a game well enough to win with our running backs, defense, and special teams. Then again, if we started 0-3 with VY how do we not bench him? They would be calling us the biggest one season wonder ever. I want to keep Vince because I can see him doing well, but it's just too much speculation for this pivotal season
  10. SEC 330 BIPOLAR

    SEC 330 BIPOLAR jive turkey

    I think Vince Young has actually regressed... as in he hasn't improved but actually is worse than he previously was... First, as a rookie he was doing all that crazy stuff that was actually working... but then defenses caught on... now he's been forced into playing an honest game... but he feels like he has to pass all the time... and now in the NFL with all the good pass defenses... nothing at all like the crap coverages he saw in ncaa... not to mention the OC change... he can't get it done... and it makes him mad.. and his confidence has been eroding... and the injury... the disappointment... having to watch Collins all year... he's listening to the voices in his head... he probably has been reading message boards... I'm thinking he's not going to be the player I hoped he would be when he was drafted. I sure hope I'm wrong but I fully expect him to FLOP whenever he finally gets a start.
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