Offseason Priorities -- With Cap and FA Analysis

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by The Hammer, Nov 9, 2015.

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  1. The Hammer

    The Hammer Ace Degenerate

    As much as we might like to it is not even close to realistic to turnover most of the roster. As it stands the Titans are roughly $22 million under the 2016 estimated cap. The only vet who we would realistically cut that would yield significant cap savings is Michael Griffin at $6.5 million. Which leave available cash $28.5 million if Griffin is cut.

    Given how bad the team will likely finish we can expect to have to spend somewhere between $7.5 and $10 million. So best case scenario we end up with $21 million to spend on free agents which is not a ton of money when you consider our needs and the fact we are losing some players who currently play a lot.

    (as a side note the Titans are spending significantly more money on defense than one offense. Which should not come as a shock to those who have watched the team)

    So what are your thoughts on how to best plan the offseason? Where should the priorities be?

    My Thoughts

    Highest Priority -- These starting positions are in serious need of upgrading

    RT -- Even if Bell ends up doing a good job he is a free agent. And if he is good then he will require more money to sign. And with a young QB protecting him should be a top priority.

    RB -- Our top RB is a career backup at best. And I would not expect too much more out of Cobb. We need to do a lot better at RB.

    CB -- The base two starters are pretty good but the third CB might as well be a starting position and the current one is a free agent. The guys after Coty are not a long term solution.

    High Priority -- Most of these areas should be addressed with either a better player or improved depth

    Center -- We can do better than the injury prone Schwenke and Gallick is likely not the answer.

    DL -- At the very least depth is a concern here with Hill, Woods and Martin as free agents and Pitoitua overpaid.

    LB depth -- Both inside and outside the depth is bad with only the starters plus Mount signed into next season.

    To Be Determined -- These positions could be either high or low priority depending on how young players progress

    FS -- If Griffin is cut and Huff is not the answer then FS would be a major need. Either Cox or McCourty could be moved to FS but that would make CB an even bigger priority.

    WR -- As it stands the team has only one strong WR. If Hunter and DGB do not progress it WR is a major need. If one progresses it is a concern while if both progress (I would not hold my breath) then we should be fine here.
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  2. Brew City

    Brew City Case Race Champion

    Wouldn't mind moving McCourty to safety, but also would love to have Jalen Ramsey there too.
  3. DaCost

    DaCost Starter

    I see alot of people going WR in the first round already but the reason we only have 4 WRs is because Walker is basically a WR and not a TE.

    Safety or corner DRAFT
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  4. Jwill1919

    Jwill1919 Coach

    I've toyed with the idea of moving JMac to FS like his brother, but I don't know if he can play as physical as LeBeau likes his safeties. We really need to see what we have in Huff.

    If we can really get more experience from Blidi, Sensa, Riggs and BW Webb, they may be able to solidify our DBs with Cox as the incumbent.

    Schwenke was really playing well, it's a shame about the injury. Maybe he comes back and battles again for depth. Poutasi looks like a depth guy with Meredith and Looney. We definitely need a true RT.

    As for RB, who knows! Any free agents available? If only West didn't have his head up his butt, he could've been quality. I prefer not to draft a RB, especially in the first 3 rounds bc of our needs elsewhere.

    We need LB depth and guys to challenge the starters. I'm ready to move on from Sammie Lee, he's trash and we can find better for much cheaper(Josh Chapman).
  5. Aqutis30

    Aqutis30 Do you mind - NOT being a Motaur?

    Schwenke - I believe that injury could of possibly ended his career.

    Huff - Move him to FS full-time and cut Griffin

    DL - Trim the fat. We need to move on from Martin and Hill and get better quality depth.

    LB - Our depth here is woeful outside the starters. This is where I would spend in FA.

    CB - I'm impressed with how well the backups yesterday handled Bree's but we need another quality starter to go with McCourty.

    OL/WR - We have places that need to be filled with long term starters. This is the first draft in a while where I would go WR in the 1st. Depending on who comes out for 2016. We need to find one good RT in FA and get a good OL in rounds 3-5 in the draft.
  6. steverife

    steverife Pro Bowler

    Cannot have enough good CB's in today's NFL...
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  7. The Hammer

    The Hammer Ace Degenerate


    Martin and Hill will be trimmed automatically, they are FA :)

    Agree on the OL, still a lot of work to be done there. Would like to see a CB in the first round right now.

    Especially in a division that will have Andrew Luck in it.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  8. adamwinn51

    adamwinn51 Starter

    You all are crazy if you are not taking the best tackle in round one and another solid olineman in the 2nd or 3rd . . .
  9. Zappa71

    Zappa71 MYAAAH!

    There is a DB who plays for Michigan. His last name is Peppers...Plays DB, Tail back and return man. Kill 3 birds with one stone. The guy is just a playmaker.
  10. Zappa71

    Zappa71 MYAAAH!

    Guess he's not eligible til 2017...shyt.
    • LOL LOL x 1
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