Official goTitans Mariota Roast Thread

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by XO, Dec 11, 2017.

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  1. 12th Titan

    12th Titan Starter

    Oh, since I'm new, I can't high five some one or something. Why don't you go read my post in the newbie thread about why I joined now before just making a comment about me like that.
    • High Five High Five x 2
  2. TitansWrath

    TitansWrath Pro Bowler

    You’ll have to excuse some of the saltier dogs around here. You see, since about 2000, the credibility standing tall through the almost two decades of futile garbage is all we have to hang our hats on.

    And every time we get a new QB, we get a new cadre of chipper college fanboys with them. The VY Texas fans. The Locker Huskie fans. And now the Mariota Duck fans. For the most part, the first two groups are long gone.

    It’s like in war. The battered veterans don’t really give a crap about the fresh faced rookies from boot camp that show up in the foxhole with them. They know that in all likelihood, they won’t be around long.

    It’s not like we have enough of a fan base to turn anyone away in my mind. So welcome to the hell.

    To quote Dantes Inferno, “abandon all hope, ye who enter here.”
    • High Five High Five x 3
  3. SuperMariota

    SuperMariota Starter


    I just high fived you. Cry me a river bisc.
  4. 12th Titan

    12th Titan Starter

    Thank you. It's much appreciated. Being disabled and Ill for years leaves one with a lot of time. I thought I had found a good place here, a place where I could share my thoughts, and enjoy watching the Titans grow.

    I am a fan of football first,but I have followed Mariota since college. (And I'm not a Duck fan.

    I want the best for this team, and I want to support it. If you don't like me, then don't read my message. But don't attack me to make yourself feel better or important.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  5. TheBisco

    TheBisco Pro Bowler

    That's Bisco to you sweet cheeks. This is the Mariota roast thread, not the west coast snowflake safe space thread. "Ohhh but of course he is playing baaaad he's got a boo booooo." He's always ****ing injured so cry him (and us) a river.
    • High Five High Five x 2
  6. SuperMariota

    SuperMariota Starter

    Then walk away from him and don’t look back. THAT MEANS...don’t jump on his wagon when he finally gets it together. You either stand by the guy or you don’t. But don’t post your distaste because I do.
  7. TheBisco

    TheBisco Pro Bowler

    I have paid $165 a game to cheer for him every single home game this year, last year, and the one before it because he is the leader of the team I've been coming to watch since I was a kid. Don't preach to me about bandwagons Mr. 2015.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  8. TheBisco

    TheBisco Pro Bowler

    Oh yeah and Lewan is the face of the franchise in Nashville, not pineapple boi. #NoBadDays
    • High Five High Five x 1
  9. SuperMariota

    SuperMariota Starter

    Your fandom and commitment should be commended. Certainly you should understand my willingness to stand by a guy I’m a ‘fan’ of. How many players have you became a fan of you followed when they went to teams you were indifferent too?

    The problem with you and others is that you carry a very fickle, ‘what have you done for me mentality’. I have NO DOUBT when he gets it together that you will take that slide to the other end of pendulum. It’s just how fans like you operate.
  10. TheBisco

    TheBisco Pro Bowler

    Yeah, this is mostly accurate. The one difference being that we have seen diminishing marginal returns from him for quite some time now and I have lost faith that the pendulum will ever swing back, he plays like a shook beta most of the time.
    It's not entirely his fault at all, I feel terrible for him because he's a great kid, but the Titans always come first for me and he can always go back to being a hero in Oregon, just like Locker went home to be a hero in Washington, and VY gets to always be a hero in Texas. Good for them, they are all three good people and deserve it, but that does nothing for the Titans, so I don't care.
    If you are indeed indifferent to the Titans then I think my point is well proven.
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