Official 2016 Titans Off Season Thread

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by Two Kings, Feb 16, 2016.

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  1. The Playmaker

    The Playmaker pineapple pizza party

    Alshon Jeffrey getting hit with the tag. That was a fun dream while it lasted.

    JCBRAVE goTitans 2019 Survivor Champion

    when he wasnt traded midseason that was the telling sign he would get tagged
    • Hit the Target Hit the Target x 1
  3. Gut

    Gut Pro Bowler

    As mentioned previously, I get get a Tunsil in free agency. I can't get a Ramsey (at CB or S) in why not get a stud OT in FA where they are available and get a top DB in the draft (that we CAN'T get in FA)?

    And who cares if tunsil is half as much? Ramsey is gonna be less than half as much as Revis....
    • Hit the Target Hit the Target x 4
  4. Gut

    Gut Pro Bowler

    Considering he already tried to leave Cleveland for 'Cleveland' in the form of the Jags (who were the ones who signed him to this deal though Browns matched it), I'm sure he'd do it for a pay increase.

    It appears...unless something changes, that Wisniewski and Mack will be playing for either the Browns, Titans or Jags and Im pretty sure the Jags will be hot after Mack again if he hits the open market.

    Who cares if he costs $9mil a year for the next few seasons...we can afford it and need the OL to gel and maybe...just maybe....Schwenke can develop under him.

    For someone (you) who is adamant about not starting Schwenke, this is your best bet.......unless you want to spend a 2nd rnd pick on a OC?
  5. Gut

    Gut Pro Bowler

    How about Lewan, Osemele, Mack, Warmack, Schwartz?
  6. Gut

    Gut Pro Bowler

    Watt gets $16mil but is worth it. Cameron Jordan and Calais Campbell avg $11mil/yr. Is Jackson better than them? I don't think so, but his argument will be that he's as good and the salary cap is higher so he should get paid more.

    My concern would be that he gets a lot of pressure on the QB with the best pass rushing duo on the outside. We are not nearly as good so his production would probably suffer. And frankly, he's not a complete DE like Wilkerson is!

    Considering Jackson had 5 sacks last year and has never had more than 6, one way teams look at this production is cost per sack. If he got $10mil, that's be $2mil per sacks which is CRAZY!!!

    Watt was less than a million per sack. Wilkerson would be a guy worth $12mil a year (again, around $1mil per sack last year and he's hit double digit sacks more than once which is RARE for a 3-4 DE) or more considering he doesn't have an elite pass rusher on the outside to help take pressure off him or give him 'clean up' sacks!
    • Hit the Target Hit the Target x 2
  7. Gut

    Gut Pro Bowler

    The problem is, his best position is OG, not OT but because he was forced to play there due to injury and played decently, he wants to be paid like an ELITE OT.

    We should be interested for sure...but not at any price. I'd give him $8mil/yr for 6 years to play OG. The thing that's really attractive is his versatility. You know he can play OT if there is an injury, but I'd go after Schwartz at RT first.

    Plus, I can get the top OG's in the draft in round 2 while the best OT will go in rounds 1 (though still quality available in round 2 too).
    • High Five High Five x 1
  8. rekirts

    rekirts Starter

    That'd be atleast 35-40 million a year for the three of them... If Mack opts out he will require more than 8 mill, Osemele is gonna be ATLEAST 9, and Schwartz wants LT money.

    is a sick line no doubt.
  9. rekirts

    rekirts Starter

    I think there are comparable safety prospects in FA. You're right though, probably can't get a comparable CB prospect in FA. I disagree on the premise though... I think we need more of a nickel guy to groom along for the job rather than a starter now. Perrish Cox is getting 5 mil/yr and making him play nickel is not a good use of our resources. Jalen Mills or Kendall Fuller are the guys I'd target in the draft.

    Also I think Tunsil >>> Schwartz, Okung, Glenn. Young, cheap contract for 5 years.
  10. Two Kings

    Two Kings NJ Titan

    Mack > Wis and Osemele > draft prospect for sure.

    Not sure if we land those two though.
    • High Five High Five x 1
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