Nobody is getting fired (Bud speaks on VY/Fisher)

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by TitanJeff, Nov 22, 2010.

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  1. TheBisco

    TheBisco Pro Bowler

    Yes, and the Eagles. No one else.
  2. drawingguy

    drawingguy Camp Fodder

  3. chamgel2

    chamgel2 Starter


    Vince can win games, as long as things are going well for him. The problem is when they don't. You cannot have that in a QB. If we cut Vince, how many teams would he be the starter for now?, maybe 5? 10?. Not many. There are very few coaches who will put up with his non-sense. Vince will not be the starting QB here next season and shouldn't even be on the roster with what he is owed. Now, I agree that Fisher should probably go too. It's time for a change. I would love to see Gruden on our sideline next season, with Hasselback under center (assuming we can't get Kolb), and a drafted QB on the sideline learning. I think we can win with that combo. Also wouldn't mind Ryan or Harbaugh. We have lost too many games big games under Fisher where we outplayed the other team. I've said many times no coach is better then snatching defeat from the jaws of victory then Fisher. A coaching change won't matter though if Vince is still under center.
  4. Big Time Titan

    Big Time Titan Big Time Titan

    I'm not normally a name caller but those who think that Vince isn't our best option at QB are just plain stupid and not looking this objectively.

    Sure he is immature, has been dinged up lately but the man has passion to play and win. Which is something that Fisher NEVER shows, passion.

    I keep hearing people say that Vince is not the guy. Who else do we have? I will be rooting for Rusty but take it for what it's worth (he's a rook). Kerry is also done. It's not like all there are top 5 or even top 10 QBs available all the time. Vince has been the best QB option available to us and has done really well. I mean the kid was having a damn near pefect game Sunday and he was NEVER even given a chance to get back in the game.

    EVERY chance that Fisher has had to not play Vince, he takes full advantage. And he's not even consistent. When Kerry was in there against Pittsburgh and stunk it up, he NEVER looked to put Vince back in. And he only put Vince in against Miami because he was SOL without another QB suited up.

    I am not some guy who has hated Fisher and bad-mouthed the entire time he's been here. I see what's been going on and I'm not oblivious to the fact that Fisher is sacrificing the team's success just to try and prove that he doesn't need Vince at QB to win. I mean wouldn't he rather win a Ring with Vince than just maybe make it to the playoffs without him. Sounds like a no-brainer to me but then again this is Captain Fishbag we're talking about.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  5. Big Time Titan

    Big Time Titan Big Time Titan

    I keep hearing people say this but I'm willing to take our chances and find out for ourselves.
  6. AEC Titan

    AEC Titan Camp Fodder

    I Agree1:lol:
    • High Five High Five x 1
  7. TitansWillWin2

    TitansWillWin2 Pro Bowler

  8. Fry

    Fry Welcome to the land of tomorrow!

    Stop making threads about the same thing.
  9. TitansWillWin2

    TitansWillWin2 Pro Bowler

    Hmm im pretty sure this is the first thread ive made with a video of 1st and 10!!! If you dont like it dont read it then!
  10. drawingguy

    drawingguy Camp Fodder

    I think he means stop cuz Young is now pretty much history..... plus he really really sucks.... :brow:
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