No finnegan, harper, or fuller!!!

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by TitansWillWin1, Oct 18, 2009.

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  1. Gunny

    Gunny Shoutbox Fuhrer

    Bill Bellichek is the kind of guy who would beat up on a retard to make himself feel good.
  2. SawdustMan

    SawdustMan #ChampChamp

    Like clockwork, TitansWillWin starts a "it's not as bad as it seems guys" thread. :ha:
  3. nickmsmith

    nickmsmith Most poverty RB core.

    His name is TitansWillWin1.

    That's the optimism...maybe we will win one.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  4. Childress79

    Childress79 Loungefly ®

    to be fair to Belichick it was harder for the Pats not to score than it was for us to stop them.

    Going for it on 4th and 7 instead of kicking the field goal to go over 60 points was actually a kindness on his part.
  5. nickmsmith

    nickmsmith Most poverty RB core.

    I think in the NFL, there should be no unspoken rule about running up the scores. These are paid performers whose teams are made to be generally equal by the league. I think you get the points you get, and sit your starters if you think they may get hurt. I don't blame Belichick for that. If your team is that bad, then they are. And we are.

    I understand in college, when you play teams that are inherently worse than yours (like Florida vs. WKU) That's just inhumane to run it up on them. But these are all professional athletes. I say go for records every game in the NFL.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  6. Jedimasterbyrd

    Jedimasterbyrd Time Traveler/Jewel Thief

    We can't complain if we can't stop it. You can't help but run your offense. We should be able to run our defense.
  7. Soxcat

    Soxcat Pro Bowler

    I agree that not having our starting CBs especially gave us a real disadvantage but the schemes run by the DC totally played into the Pats hands. There is no reason to have guys running wide open...WIDE OPEN. It might have been worse on a clean turf.

    Heck, the Pats could have scored 100 points if they wanted to and it wasn't because our CBs were playing tight man coverage and got beat. It was more because we had guys standing around with their fingers up their butt wondering who they should cover.
    And of course we should never send an extra pass rusher. That would be against our nature to rough a QB up once in a while this year.
  8. jessestylex

    jessestylex DeadGirlsCantSayNo

    we had our starters at the start of the season and still got smoked.

    Griffin got smoked by Moss yesterday. You must get pressure on the QB so he dont have time to throw a perfect pass. or at least get in his head. Brady felt 100% comfortable in the pocket. even with it snowing.
  9. TitanJeff

    TitanJeff Kahuna Grande Staff

    I watched the Falcons last night and their man-to-man coverage. They got burned a few times but they knocked the WR off their routes most of the game and picked Cutler twice. Watching Cary Williams play seven yards off the LOS on third-and-three is insane.

    You heard no complaints from me when the Titans were getting two picks a game last season but it's obvious to me the zone does not work without pressure on the QB or the corners not holding coverage for even a three-step drop.
  10. TitansWillWin1

    TitansWillWin1 Camp Fodder

    how did we get smoked at the start of the season? we lost two games by three one in OT and the other by 7?????
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