MotW9 - Finnegan2win

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by CRUDS, Apr 2, 2012.

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  1. Finnegan2win

    Finnegan2win hopesfall2win Tip Jar Donor

    First car you owned?
    1990 red Toyota Camry w/sunroof.. I've deemed it necessary to have a sunroof in every car as I was spoiled from the get go ;)

    Favourite Author?
    Susan Cooper? Don't really have a favorite author, she just wrote my favorite series, "The Dark is Rising".

    Last book you read?
    "Living Your Strengths" ..don't judge me.

    Last gig you went to?
    Hopesfall reunion show - 8/06/11 - Charlotte, NC
    [ame=""]hopesfall Reunion 2011 - YouTube[/ame]

    Favourite band?
    Hopesfall.. :D

    Jennifer Aniston or Angelina Jolie?
    Aniston, 10 years ago

    Favorite chocolate?

    Best steak you ate was at?
    Probably at Ruth's Chris..? Don't know, but it was the most expensive for sure.

    Favorite Stone Temple Pilots song?
    Not really a fan.. the only one I have on a CD is "No Way Out"

    Top 5 Clint Eastwood movies?
    None :hmm:
  2. CRUDS

    CRUDS Moderator Staff


    Sorry, I forgot that question was in the mix when I copied it.. Doh!
  3. SawdustMan

    SawdustMan #ChampChamp

    1. Coolest celebrity you've met?
    2. Biggest a-hole celebrity you've met?
    3. If you could live anywhere in America, where would it be?
    4. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
  4. Finnegan2win

    Finnegan2win hopesfall2win Tip Jar Donor

    1. Coolest celebrity you've met?
    Chad Waldrup at the aforementioned reunion concert.. me and my cousin talked to him for a little bit and he actually came and sat at our table during the other bands' performances.

    2. Biggest a-hole celebrity you've met?
    I haven't met enough "celebs" to meet an a-hole yet.. maybe one day I'll get lucky.

    3. If you could live anywhere in America, where would it be?
    I've always thought Seattle would be nice.. seems mellow, I just wonder if the weather is so unbearable as they make it sound.. not like 100' + humidity is any better though.

    4. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
    Greece if it wasn't going bankrupt. Austria or New Zealand would be good backups.
  5. Titans Eternal

    Titans Eternal Got the swagger of a cripple

    1) Why do you like Screamo ?

    2) How many hours a day do you listen to music?

    3) Nirvana is the best

    4) Sublime was ok too

    5) What in your life has required the *most* dedication and commitment?
  6. Finnegan2win

    Finnegan2win hopesfall2win Tip Jar Donor

    1) Why do you like Screamo ?
    Because I generally find it to have better music than other genres.. it pleases my ears, vocals are usually secondary to the music, unless it's completely ridiculous/overthetop/tryingtoohard. The more I talk about it, the more I realize I have pretty specific tastes..

    2) How many hours a day do you listen to music?
    Hrmm, 10 minutes when I wake up, 20-30 on the drive to work, probably 5 out of 6 hours at work, 20-30mins on way home, 30mins-1hr the rest of the day.. so.. 6-7hrs? Sheeeesh.

    3) Nirvana is the best
    Incorrect opinion.

    4) Sublime was ok too
    311 was better.

    5) What in your life has required the *most* dedication and commitment?
    Finishing my MBA.. it was a pain in the A**, with all caps. I can't exactly say I'm proud of the time/money invested in it at this moment.. we'll see. My initial thought when I picked up my diploma was along the lines of "7 years for a piece of paper".. terrible :hmm:
    • High Five High Five x 1
  7. Titans Eternal

    Titans Eternal Got the swagger of a cripple

    You a cool dude, Finny. 311 was my favorite band growing up(aka.. for like a year). Kinda strange, but...311 is a recurring theme in my life. I always run into that number.
  8. avvie

    avvie It's another cold day in Hell Tip Jar Donor

    STP are SOOO much better with that Filter guy instead of Scott the wacko. Listen to the entire album here:

    Personally I recommend "Goodbye" if you don't have time for all of it... "Stop Look And Listen" if you're a softer rock kinda guy.
  9. CRUDS

    CRUDS Moderator Staff

    Good good man..
    Sublime was infinitely better than 311 - who was a band that should have been shot for crimes against music.. Izod wearing white-boy, psuedo-reggae metal with rude-boy vocals? Kill me now.
  10. Finnegan2win

    Finnegan2win hopesfall2win Tip Jar Donor

    Never liked Sublime's sound.. way too much reggae influence, half their songs sound like the white version of a Bob Marley song.. 311 was all around better vocally/musically.. to me ;) I don't like a ton of their songs either.. but of the two, 311.

    Fess up Cruds.. you don't like 311 because they did a better version of Love Song ..:D
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