More Help Needed For Hasselbeck At WR Position

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by mike75, Sep 28, 2011.

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  1. mike75

    mike75 Pro Bowler

    If the running game and CJ continues to sputter that puts more pressure on the passing game to get it done.That was not an issue when we had Britt but now that Britt is done for the season there is no clear player besides Washington stepping up at WR consistently.No one running routes right consistently or getting seperation.Hopefully Donnie Avery steps up here in the next few weeks and our rushing woes get taken care of.Hasselbeck has shown he can run the offense if you give him what he needs to get it done.Someone needs to step up or the offense will be in trouble as the season progresses.
  2. TheSureThing

    TheSureThing Straight Cash Homie

    I'd give as high as a 3rd MAYBE a 2nd for Brandon Lloyd.
  3. mike75

    mike75 Pro Bowler

    I think a good receiver like Lloyd could do wonders for our offense.Hasselbeck is in the top five this year as far as QB's and lots of that had to do with Kenny Britt.

    Without a true solid threat out there catching balls i think we are going to suffer here soon on offense and Hasselbeck will too as a result.Besides Washington we are inexperienced at the WR spot and those receivers are having trouble adjusting.

    Plus with us in competition for the division title we could greatly use a WR right now with Britt gone.It's going to be a difference maker just watch and see.With the running game dead last we at least need to shore up our receiving group.
  4. theprizdfighter

    theprizdfighter Newb to the 19.5°

    WOW can't act like you are even pretending to be our GM. You were just complaining about people giving their opinions and bs. Is there a double standard???

    You obviously must have been included in the group of people here on that 'act' like they are more intelligent and above everyone including the coaches and FO of our organization, yes the one you were trying to call out.
  5. 2ToneBlueBlood

    2ToneBlueBlood Pro Bowler

    Our FO needs to be held responsible for having no depth at the WR position. That is one of the only positions that you can't just plug in someone and get by with it. Heck you can do that even at RB, look at Green Bay last year. They won it all with a RB that wasn't on their opening day roster.

    I like how things are going this year and would be willing to give more in a trade than normally would because I think this team can make the playoffs and make some noise. Even if we don't make a trade this year, we HAVE to look at the draft with all of the great young WR talent coming out and get the one we want. We can't count on Kenny to be healthy. If he is that's great, but we can't have such a drop off at the position when he's out.
  6. theprizdfighter

    theprizdfighter Newb to the 19.5°

    I agree with most everything you are saying, but I do think we need to give the depth we do have their opportunity to shine. The rest of the year will be a test for them to see if they can step up and secure a position.

    DWill has done a nice job the past two weeks.. Let Avery get comfortable and then lets see what he does. Nate is having a good year and Hawkins is serviceable. I do think we look at WR in the draft, but if our depth can step up we may not have to address it in the first round.
  7. The Playmaker

    The Playmaker pineapple pizza party

    I said this in the off season and for that matter many others, the depth then was fine assuming someone steps up but if Britt goes down then we're in trouble. Well guys Britt went down and if it wasn't for Washington playing out of his mind who knows where we would be right now. I doubt Washington can keep this up for a full season, Hawk is a disappointment, and you never know what you're going to get from Cook. There has to be someone the Titans can go after that can come in and help.
  8. mike75

    mike75 Pro Bowler

    I think the trade deadline is Tuesday October 18th.Maybe our GM can get on the phone and get us some WR help in here.

    JCBRAVE goTitans 2019 Survivor Champion

    Saddest thing is we do still have that guy named Chris Johnson lol.
  10. The Playmaker

    The Playmaker pineapple pizza party

    No what's worse is after I read this I remembered he was on our team. haha
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