More Help Needed For Hasselbeck At WR Position

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by mike75, Sep 28, 2011.

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  1. mike75

    mike75 Pro Bowler

    For some reason i think the thing i'm worried about is us being bit by the injury thing.Would hate to see another player get hurt and us end up with very thin depth at WR.Could be wrong but i still think we should've brought in Cotchery or some other veteran because we are very young and inexperienced at WR besides Nate.
  2. KelvisKblam

    KelvisKblam TITANic Nerd

    I think you guys ought to let go of the notion of the Titans signing Moss. Never gonna happen, and probably for good reason.

    A. He's retired, and if he didn't want to come back to play for a contender like the Pats, why would he come to TN? No way the Titans brass offers him enough cash to lure him, it would have to be a lot.

    B. He's never been regarded as a great work ethic guy, and that's would (did) only make him less effective in his older age. I get it that Fisher/'Dinger were not smart and didn't even seem to try to use Moss effectively. But it also seemed like his effort was not acceptable, or perhaps he would have seen the field more in TN.
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  3. The Playmaker

    The Playmaker pineapple pizza party

  4. mike75

    mike75 Pro Bowler

    Point blank if the young guys on our receiving crew don't step up and run the correct routes and start dropping balls then our offense will suffer a huge setback especially if CJ and the run game is still struggling.

    Outside of Nate Washington our receiving game is a big question mark.I have no doubt if Avery stays healthy its a given he will work his way up to the number two spot on our receiving depth.

    In all honesty i don't see why didn't go ahead and sign one more receiver besides Avery.I thought we could've signed either Clowney or Gilyard also.The thing i think everyone is hoping now is Nate Washington stays healthy because if something happens to him we are going to suffer at WR.
  5. mike75

    mike75 Pro Bowler

    I think D Williams can be a really good receiver if he just start holding on to the ball and minimize the mental mistakes.Williams is still learning at this point but a player like Hawkins really doesn't have any excuses after being on the roster for over four years its time for him to step up.As far as Avery goes if he is fully 100 percent he could very well hit the top of the depth chart along with Nate Washington.
  6. TitanJeff

    TitanJeff Kahuna Grande Staff

    I've not read the entire thread so it may have been mentioned already but an effective running game is the best way to help Hasselbeck.

    That, and a defense which gives him a short field. :brow:
    • High Five High Five x 2
  7. mike75

    mike75 Pro Bowler

    Knowing the run game might not improve i think we might try and either trade for another receiver or sign one because we are a bit meager at the receiver spot especially if we are going to be passing more than running this season.
  8. Titanup1982

    Titanup1982 All-Pro

    Trade for a WR?
  9. MDTitansFan

    MDTitansFan Rookie

    jesus christ. get over it.
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