Mike Heimderdinger says Javon Ringers running ability is really good.

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by jessestylex, Jun 21, 2010.

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  1. soopacee

    soopacee I'm Blaine Bishop

    i agreee...but of course he is gonna say that, its not like he is gonna come out and say our rb's stink without CJ

    its just one of them things where he is pretty much sayin "see CJ we can play without ya BRAH!"

    but im pullin for ringer too....big mich state fan here.....i love cj and want ringer to get some shine, but i honestly think if ringer had to step up, he could
  2. TitanJeff

    TitanJeff Kahuna Grande Staff

    "Dinger" likes Ringer. :yes:
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    JCBRAVE goTitans 2019 Survivor Champion

    Haha, Jeff Fisher is a fluffer.
  4. Bulluckfan

    Bulluckfan Camp Fodder

    Well, he does have the porn stache.

    I'm glad to see Ringer is doing well, and I think he could be a good solid back in the league, but he's not close to CJ, obviously. I don't believe we must have CJ to do well this year, but he sure would improve the team.

    Anyway, Ringer's best attribute IMO is his vision. He seems to hit the right hole in most cases and gets the most out of the play. He lacks top end speed, however, and he's not a huge guy.

    JCBRAVE goTitans 2019 Survivor Champion

    The only positive words I have for Ringer are that I see some Emmitt Smith in there. If he can build on that, he'll obviously be very very good.
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  6. Soxcat

    Soxcat Pro Bowler

    Of course if you read the article there wasn't anything said to make CJ jealous. It wasn't like Dinger said "yea this Ringer kid could make us forget Chris Johnson, this kid is a stud".

    All he said was Ringer has some talent and is benefiting from getting more reps. He also said Ringer needed to improve his understanding of his role in the passing game. I see nothing really all that news worthy and Dinger certainly wasn't trying to fire up CJ with those comments.

    As of right now Ringer is working at being able to play consistently and not get the QB's head ripped off with a blown assignment.
  7. MrDeeboi33

    MrDeeboi33 Camp Fodder

    Ringer gettin' his reps, LeGarrette is a beast. If CJ holds out this season, Stafon might be in the mix too!

    JCBRAVE goTitans 2019 Survivor Champion

    Dinger isn't speaking through the media here. He talks with C.J. a few times a week from what I've heard. He's stating the obvious about Ringers experience so far.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  9. jessestylex

    jessestylex DeadGirlsCantSayNo

    yall have to keep in mind, cj isnt acting like some kind of mad man who hates the titans and is demanding money every time he sees Fisher.

    CJ was back in Nashville the other day and was having a good time at some kind of event. titans.com even had coverage of it. he was smiling and looked like he was having fun. Dont let his twittering fool ya. He isnt the kind of guy Haynesworth is.

    Sure he wants paid, but he also wants to be in the Titans uniform come game day. Cj hasnt said 1 word about wanting a trade etc... he just wants more money. we need to pay him and move on to training camp. if we arent willing to pay the best RB in the league good money. then what kind of guy do we have to get to warrant a big pay day? imo if we dont pay cj, then this team will never every have a superstar for long, cause we are just to cheap.
  10. PhiSlammaJamma

    PhiSlammaJamma Critical Possession

    • High Five High Five x 1
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