Maybe the players do want Fish to stay.

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by moose4now, Jan 3, 2011.

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  1. moose4now

    moose4now Starter

  2. World Peace

    World Peace Nephew Gunner

    story doesnt load, can you copy and paste text?
  3. SchindlersFist

    SchindlersFist Camp Fodder

    INDIANAPOLIS -- Tennessee's players want Jeff Fisher to remain their coach, and Fisher wants to finish his career with the Titans.

    It's uncertain whether owner Bud Adams wants the same.

    Just three years ago, the Titans had the AFC's top seed in the postseason with a 13-3 record. Though they missed the playoffs the next two years, they began this season with a 5-2 record before losing six straight and falling out of the playoff race. Their season concluded Sunday with a 23-20 loss at Indianapolis.

    Though Fisher's 16 full seasons in Tennessee rank as the league's longest tenure, he answered postgame questions about the possibility that he had coached his last game with the team. Adams isn't happy and has said he planned to evaluate Fisher after the season.

    "I'm under contract for another year, so we'll see," Fisher said. "We're going to come back and have wrap-up physicals tomorrow and we'll start our evaluation process."

    After their hot start, the Titans added receiver Randy Moss to help them make a playoff push, but he caught just six passes for 80 yards after he joined the team for its Week 10 game against Miami.

    "We came in with the attitude of doing some great things this season, and it kind of just slid in the middle," receiver Nate Washington said. "We've got to find a way as an organization to put a whole season together next year."

    Titans running back Chris Johnson said Fisher "must be doing something right" to have lasted so long. Cornerback Cortland Finnegan said he'd like Fisher to come back.

    "For me, personally, he gave me a shot," Finnegan said. "He's an amazing coach, a player's coach."
  4. SchindlersFist

    SchindlersFist Camp Fodder

    not really convincing
  5. avvie

    avvie It's another cold day in Hell Tip Jar Donor

    How many NFL coaches have CJ and Finny played for?
  6. Bababooey

    Bababooey Veteran

    That's an awfully-written story.

    Nate's quote means nothing in terms of Fisher.

    CJ's quote is hardly reinforcing the idea that the players have faith in him. It's essentially saying that CJ thinks there's a reason he's still here, but he doesn't know what it is. If it were a pro-Fisher quote, I'd imagine he'd be specific about commending his coaching.

    Finnegan's quote is the only one worth noting and to be honest, I'd be kissing his feet too if I were still a starter after such a mediocre season and getting into a fight on the field (his fault or not, hundreds of other players go 16+ games each season without starting a fist fight).

    I think Hope's quote showed the support for him best because he was outright supportive, as Finnegan was. Of course, the genius who wrote this did not include it.

    That said, most players that have spoken out in favor of Fisher are in VERY favorable situations starting because of Fisher.
  7. lateknight

    lateknight Master Opinionist

    If you ask me it's more spin. How many players are going to outright come out and say they don't want their coach when they don't know the outcome. What if you say that and then he comes back-you get to start in the doghouse. So pretty loaded question for someone that doesn't know if they can speak freely without repercussions.
    • High Five High Five x 5
  8. moose4now

    moose4now Starter

    Only one.

    But, I'm sure they've played for enough coaches in their lives that they can form an opinion on them.
  9. Big Time Titan

    Big Time Titan Big Time Titan

    "He must've done something right to be this long"? That's not exactly a ringing endorsement.
  10. Bababooey

    Bababooey Veteran

    Bo learned that lesson mid-season.
    • High Five High Five x 2
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