Matt Jones?

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by TitansDores, Sep 2, 2009.

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  1. Fry

    Fry Welcome to the land of tomorrow!

    what he said
  2. highstep

    highstep Camp Fodder

    From what I understand Jones was the hometown hero quarterback from Arkansas that knew he had to play wide receiver to make it to the NFL. He seems like a nice guy...that likes cocaine. I bet we give him one chance and if he screws up he's gone.
  3. Jwill1919

    Jwill1919 Coach

    I don't know.....Matt Jones is bigger and faster than Jared Cook, plus he's been playing WR in the NFL for 4 years now. When I have seen Cook split wide, he just doesn't seem as fluid as a natural WR, he's definitely a TE and will be a good one for us. Jones is a prototypical outside WR, and we can let Nate or Britt exploit mismatches in the slots. I really like that idea, plus he's got stick'em for hands.

    Can we move LaVelle to the practice squad??
  4. Fry

    Fry Welcome to the land of tomorrow!

    matt jones will cost us more TDs than he'll score. ask any jags fan how many easy touchdowns he's blown by just not routinely getting two feet in bounds.
  5. BudAdams

    BudAdams SayHelloToMyLittleFriends

  6. GLinks

    GLinks Second Gear

    Oh no...I'm okay with the Jones signing, if it goes down - I see the value - but no way will he be better than Jared Cook. Cook is better out the gate. Why? Cuz he's only played receiver and TE. Jones is a converted QB.

    "Stick um' for hands?" :lol: He's coming along, but that's far from the case.
  7. Jwill1919

    Jwill1919 Coach

    Matt Jones 4.37, Jared Cook 4.50. that's a big difference in WR times.

    Here's the thing.....who would you rather have at the slot, Nate Wash or Jared Cook? I would rather have Gage and Jones on the outside, NWash in the slot and Jared Cook as the TE, that is sick. As opposed to Gage and Wash on the outside, Cook in the slot and Scaife at TE. Just my opinion however.
  8. GLinks

    GLinks Second Gear

    Allegedly, a year ago, Jared Cook ran 4.37 as well, when he was still a receiver under Spurrier. Doesn't matter for Cook. He can't be jammed. He can't be outjumped.

    I get your take on the slot. I don't really disagree, but we're probably going to be moving people around so much that we're going to see it all at some point.

    But when Washington returns, I do want to see him on the outside. We did bring him here for that. Gage is good in the slot, as will be Cook. Again, they're going to be used all over to get the mismatches.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  9. VolnTitan

    VolnTitan Starter

    Jones isn't a world beater, but beyond off the field issues, I think it is a no brainer. If he gets in trouble, so be it. Not like we are depending on him being our #1 WR or will have a huge cap number.

    As far as folks talking about how bad he is...he had more catches and yards than any of the Titans WR last year.
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