Mathmatical misconception on VY

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by joeman546, Jan 6, 2011.

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  1. GeronimoJackson

    GeronimoJackson Brainwashed by the Left. Now I am free.

    How many Peyton's and Brady's are there... So Vince isn't on their level, ok...but Peyton and Brady weren't our quarterback options. Vince and Collins were, and Vince > Collins but Fisher rather plays Collins. It was professionalism at its best when Fisher demoted Vince to kick off a postgame conference. That must of been sex to him.
  2. dbc5631

    dbc5631 Starter

    Fisher has won with every QB that has played more than a few games.
  3. 4realz

    4realz Camp Fodder

    Well if you take VY's games out of Fisher's resume he has a record of 112 to 103. I'm predicting Fisher has messed up things so bad that he will go 2-14 next year. That would put him at 114-117. If you want to continue to support an average coach that has manipulated the owner who is 80 something years old then be my guest. Fisher is a lousy coach and the Titans will never do anything as long as he's the leader. 17 years of suckage.
  4. 4realz

    4realz Camp Fodder

    Let talk real recent football. Games that VY has played from start to finish the past two year is 11-3, without VY playing at all 3-15. Come on dbc, I don't think your very smart, but I also don't think you're an idiot.
  5. GoT

    GoT Strength and Honor

    even 'the Diva' at his best cannot get on the field half the time - pathetic
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