Mariota's Ceiling Heading Into the Season

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by CJtheBeast, Apr 30, 2019.


Will Mariota retire after this season?

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  1. Yes

    6 vote(s)
  2. No

    13 vote(s)
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  1. 10ECTyrant

    10ECTyrant What! Tip Jar Donor

    We need consistency from all areas of our Offense. QB play, RBs, Pass catchers and blocking.
    • Cheers Cheers x 1
  2. nytitaner

    nytitaner Starter

    I guess it just boils down to one’s personal faith in Mariota . Just like you said he’s arguably one of the worst at his position, he’s also shown flashes of being one of the leagues most magical playmakers in the clutchest of situations. That my friend does not grow on trees or come dime a dozen. Oh the irony of Marcus Mariota LoL so glad we got Tanny tho . I can picture Marcus leading a team to a championship tho , I cannot with half of other NFL quartebacks . Also NOT ONE teammate is ever down on Marcus be it on offense or defense. If he really was arguably “one of the worst at his position “ wouldn’t a couple of disgruntled teammates say something negative? I feel pretty good about our quarterback room this year . Franchise qb’s don’t grow on trees either , keep that in mind. I so hope Marcus balls out this year , the line protects him and dudes catch the ball in key situations. Next year we see what happens.
    • High Five High Five x 1
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  3. abc2330

    abc2330 Pro Bowler

    Looking at their past two seasons, I think maybe Mariota is a bit overrated in terms of being clutch, and Tannehill is underrated .

    Each had 15 games decided by 1 score or less. Here is how they fared:

    Mariota: 9-6
    Tannehill: 12-3

    Mariota: 15 TDs/13 INTs
    Tannehill: 32 TDs/8 INTs

    Points per game:
    Tennessee: 19.5
    Miami: 25

    So not only did Miami fare better in close games, but their offenses also had a larger hand in the victory, and Tannehill had a much larger direct impact on the score.
    • Informative Informative x 2
    • Troll Troll x 2
    • Cheers Cheers x 1
  4. Jwill1919

    Jwill1919 Coach

    The eye popping stat is that Tanny has more TDs in 1score games over the last 2 years than Mary has in ALL of his games over 2 years.
  5. CJtheBeast

    CJtheBeast Starter

    That's not how you compare QB's stop trolling
  6. abc2330

    abc2330 Pro Bowler

    Considering that Mariota is "clutch" and Tannehill has been classified as a garbage time stat stuffer, I'd say that it's very relevant. Tannehill scored far more TDs, threw fewer picks, and had a better winning % than even Brady in these close games. Mariota's stats make it look like we won in spite of him.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  7. nytitaner

    nytitaner Starter

    That’s awesome Tanny’s on OUR team !!! I was not comparing the two . I LOVE our QB room . If Tanny becomes the man , by all means .
  8. HurrayTitans!

    HurrayTitans! Useless trivia knowledge champion

    QBs don’t get wins, teams do.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  9. Gut

    Gut Pro Bowler

    You can bet your hat they will go into the season with the idea of Henry being the focal point of the offense. BUT, we have the weapons to really make a nice counter-balance to that as the Rams have done. You want to load the box against Henry...we'll go 3 wr set and see what you do. Let us pound your nickel D with Henry or play base against our 3 wr sets. Who's the unlucky LB who will have to cover Humphries or Brown or Taylor out of the slot? And that's assuming they put a S on Walker...or you'll have 2 LB's wishing they were on the bench. OR you force teams to play zone 90% of the time.

    Point is, we should be able to really hurt teams trying to load up against Henry...and that will be the game plan. They load up, we throw vs favorable conditions. They back off, we give Henry a nice 7 man box to run over and thru ppl!

    This is the best way to rack up yards and points and keep Henry fresh and running well.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  10. HurrayTitans!

    HurrayTitans! Useless trivia knowledge champion

    Not gonna lie, that’s some real dedicated playcalling. Don’t pass for 2 seasons to suck in the D for this season.
    • LOL LOL x 1
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