Last Two Games Hold the Key to Titans Season

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by, Dec 15, 2008.

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  1. First post here, you guys have a pretty cool board. It would be huge for the Titans to get that HFA, but the way they've been playing lately combined with a brutal end of season schedules going to make that unlikely IMO. I'll be really impressed if they manage to get a win in either of the final 2 games, but I sure hope I'm wrong.
  2. GoT

    GoT Strength and Honor

    pittsburgH SUCKS!

    Tennessee 43 Silent H's 0
  3. Haha. We all wish, trust me.
  4. rick71

    rick71 Camp Fodder

    The Dallas defense was better than Pittsburgh's last week. Roethlisberger has a few fourth quarter comebacks, but the Titans won't let that happen.
    Titans score 12 and win.
  5. Kaeotik

    Kaeotik Pro Bowler

    I disagree. The playoff games hold the key to the Titans season. We have already locked up no less than the 2nd seed in the playoffs. I would like to get the 1, but playing at Pittsburgh for the AFC title is, in my opinion, a winnable game for the Titans. especially if we have KVB, and big Al back. Hope we beat Pittsburgh this Sunday, but if we don't, I still believe we can win the AFC.
  6. PitBull

    PitBull Bred to Brawl

    IDK.. i think we're going to win the final two.

    I've seen the Steelers play a couple of times, and I don't see that dominating offense which will take for them to pull on off against us. Impartially, I'd vote for the Titans to win this one based on the handful of Steelers games which I've watched.

    The Dolts have been struggling against the likes of Detroit and Cleveland. Sure they're going to make the playoffs, but they're far from being what they used to be.

    I say we end the season 14-2.
  7. interesting approach. Chickenlittle has left the building for a second.



    I hope you prove to be right and I will watch the games with all my Titans gear on screaming obsenities at the opponents (including the refs).
  9. asus64

    asus64 Camp Fodder

    I think we can beat Pittsburgh. Texan's offense is way better than theirs and we managed to keep them under 14 points. The other thing we have going for us is that we are back under the radar which suits us just fine. But the thing that we shouldn´t lose sight of is to get healthy for the playoffs, that is way more important than winning any of the last 2 games. :injured:
  10. wycheck28

    wycheck28 Starter

    the pitsburgh game will be one of the best games of the season.. im really mad that Big Al and KVB wont be playing but we have gone half the season without Vandenbosch either playing healthy or playing at all so now we will see how we handle Haynesworth being out and lets just hope history doesnt repeat itself... If we do end up self destructing with Haynesworth out maybe Bud Adams and Mike Reinfeldt will realize how important Big Al is to the Team and will resign him before all the other 31 teams offer him the world...
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