King Henry offered to teams @ the combine

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by 8Bruce8, Mar 6, 2023.

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  1. VondyP

    VondyP Undisputed 2QBeaver Champion

    yeah cuz the 3rd round project qb from liberty is the same situation, definitely
  2. HurrayTitans!

    HurrayTitans! Useless trivia knowledge champion

    Maybe we can pick 11th and get Mahomes.
    My bad, he was 10. Watson was 12. Split the difference I guess.
    • High Five High Five x 2
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  3. Bonky

    Bonky Pro Bowler Tip Jar Donor

    No, they would very clearly be downgrades and cost us multiple future draft picks and/or current players to obtain.

    As long as you get a QB from Ohio State though right? :crazy:
    #163 Bonky, Mar 6, 2023
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2023
  4. VondyP

    VondyP Undisputed 2QBeaver Champion

    no they would both be upgrades and i'll have to check but im pretty sure they didnt both play for ohio state
  5. Carp

    Carp Starter

    I mean J-Rob flushed like 90% of the roster within 1 year when he took over. Never had a losing season.

    Tanne may be a better bet year 1, but he's gonna be 35. Unless you are an all time great, it's unlikely you're gonna be a good QB moving into your late 30's. The band aid has to be ripped off at some point. With the cap space we will have coming in 2024, now seems like a pretty great time to take a chance on a young franchise QB on a rookie deal.
    • Hit the Target Hit the Target x 1
  6. Bonky

    Bonky Pro Bowler Tip Jar Donor

    No Bryce is from Bama
  7. Bonky

    Bonky Pro Bowler Tip Jar Donor

    Because we can field a team of one player on offense?

    Do you have any idea of what it would take to move up to draft them?

    What about the other positions that need to be filled?
  8. Carp

    Carp Starter

    Because QBs drafted outside the 1st round have an extremely low hit rate. It's ok to take a chance on these guys periodically in the mid rounds because you never how is going to be the be the next Brady, Dak, or Cousins.
  9. VondyP

    VondyP Undisputed 2QBeaver Champion

    i repeat, we would have him on a rookie deal and then have 120m+ in cap space next offseason.... thats how you rebuild. thats how all these teams get ahead is by getting that rookie qb and then building around him.

    if he's a home run then we hit the jackpot and if he's not we still have a good roster when his deal is up.

    right now we do not have a good roster.

    with the cap space we are about to have next year, it's a perfect time to strike. let the rookie work out his issues this year and trade the aging pieces for more picks. then next year it's go time.
    • LOL LOL x 2
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  10. Bonky

    Bonky Pro Bowler Tip Jar Donor

    So do players drafted in the 1st.

    I pointed out Willis bc we "never" draft at QB. Everyone (not just Titan fans) seemed to be in love with the pick until they saw him play.
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