King Henry offered to teams @ the combine

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by 8Bruce8, Mar 6, 2023.

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  1. Mitch86

    Mitch86 Pro Bowler

    Looking at those 3 teams first round QB selections Mahomes was the first QB Chiefs have taken in the first since the 80s, the Bills and Bengals have only picked first round QBs a couple of times over the years.

    Those teams happened to hit on QBs but there's a lot more misses than there are hits across the league.
    The teams you named would have missed a lot if they had been drafting QBs in the first round.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  2. Hormesis

    Hormesis Pro Bowler

    That’s next year
    • Cheers Cheers x 1
  3. Titans2004

    Titans2004 Pro Bowler

    If I'm a gm, then every year I tell other gms that all my players are available for trade.... just make an offer.... that doesn't mean that you are going to trade all your players, but if some team makes a crazy good offer on one of your guys then you have to consider it.
    • Cheers Cheers x 1
  4. Mitch86

    Mitch86 Pro Bowler

    I'm sure it works that way for most GMs. Just like most teams look at the incoming QB class even if they have a good QB. Due diligence.

    GMs are always looking for ways to improve their team or improve draft stock, cap space etc... It's no surprise that the new GM would be asking around to see if Henry has value beyond what he values him at... But I don't think it would be smart to dump Henry for peanuts.
    • Hit the Target Hit the Target x 1
  5. Titanic_Sub

    Titanic_Sub Pro Bowler

    The thread is still full of ppl defending it lol
  6. HurrayTitans!

    HurrayTitans! Useless trivia knowledge champion

    I think that’s different than happy about it.

    I’ll defend the trade, but I wasn’t happy AJ Brown was gone.
    Kind of like this thread, people aren’t happy if Henry gets traded, but some argue a trade makes sense.
  7. Titans2004

    Titans2004 Pro Bowler

    Totally agree.... unless trading him lands us our franchise QB then I see no reason to trade him.... plenty of other ways to get cap room... I want to see an angry Henry running in a contract year... I would expect Henry's agent to be working the Titans for an extension... part of the negotiations would be Ran showing Henry's agent that the league doesn't value him because the offers that he has gotten are crap...
    • Cheers Cheers x 1
  8. Carp

    Carp Starter

    Given the age of our best offensive players, it's pretty likely we'd be in the same position within 2 years.

    The average shelf-life of an NFL GM is roughly 3 years. If you are Ran, why in the world would you put up your future in the hands of declining vets?

    It may be risky to go with a rookie QB, but at least he's a taking that risk with the guys he has chosen.
  9. Carp

    Carp Starter


    "Trust me brah."
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