Jameis Winston in trouble with the league

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by JCBRAVE, Jun 21, 2018.

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  1. GoT

    GoT Strength and Honor

    12% ...

    way more than 12% black QBs in the NFL... way more
  2. GoT

    GoT Strength and Honor

    or steal the laptop or the crabs or yell Unprogressive obsenities
  3. GoT

    GoT Strength and Honor

    DW did fine with the creamsicles
  4. DanPastorini

    DanPastorini Starter

    both him and Shawn King lost to Rams in conference Championships. The only time they were allowed to go and win a SB was with a white QB.
    Dilfer does lousy in TB, goes to Ravens to replace their Black QB, Tony Banks and wins the SB.
    That Ravens QB/ Banks ,was on both the Ravens and Rams ,and replaced by white QBs who went on to win SB.
    Who did Bradshaw replace in the 70s?
    Before they went SB crazy....think his name was Gilliam?
    Kordelll Stewart/slash..Steelers ,long winning history..but Neil O'Donnell made it to.a SB before KS got there..Kordell wasn't
    So successful. Rodney Peete, replaced by Jake DelHomme, they go to SB. Cam goes to SB ,gets painted as a complete jack ass, as he loses to America's favorite white ,good ol boy.
    obviously parts of Florida have large black populations . That's why they've had Doug Williams, Josh Williams, Byron Leftwich, Shawn King, Jameis W.. as starters..but who'd' they go to SB and win with? ...Brad Johnson.
    It is interesting to note...Doug Williams, Dilfer, Steve Young, all played for TBay, all went to win SB somewhere elsewhere.
    Do the Pats or Packers ever have black starting/long term starting QBs? No, no they don't because they know their fans don't want them there.
    I think..in the Rams Entire history, they've only had 2 Black QBs, James Harris And Tony Banks.
    Question everything.
    • WTF?! WTF?! x 1
  5. HurrayTitans!

    HurrayTitans! Useless trivia knowledge champion

    Hundley and Brissett just lover a year ago.
    I think you mischaracterize the fans too. They just want victory regardless what color the QB is.

    Your rant is really stuck on the race of the QB not the 100's of other coincidences that happened with all the teams you listed.

    Why do you think the race of the QB is WWF'd but the NFL doesn't give 2 craps about every other position on the field except maybe K and P? You haven't sold me those positions aren't also WWF'd to ensure only white K and P win SB.
  6. DanPastorini

    DanPastorini Starter

    Hundley and Brissett ? did you understand at all what I said? thats not long term. I said long term. I said starting/starter, as in the preferred go to guy. These guys are obviously fill in tokens that they have/had no intention of keeping or relying on. not to mention the fact that the Pats never had one before him. And this is only the Packers second.

    100's of other coincidences that happened with all the teams you listed.??? you cant have 100 coincidences. A coincidence is a rare unexplained thing. I have shown a distinct repetitive pattern. 100 times means its done on purpose.
    dude,come on,how old are you?
    this is very disturbing that its this difficult for you to grasp such basic concepts at 34.

    Why do you think the race of the QB is WWF'd but the NFL doesn't give 2 craps about every other position on the field except maybe K and P? You haven't sold me those positions aren't also WWF'd to ensure only white K and P win)
    rankly, I have no clue what any of that means,. We arent talking about every other position. We are talking about what tv focuses on and how they present/portray it.
    Kickers? God help you.. or who ever.. if you actually think the Vikings kicker vs Seattle, actually missed the point blank shot by accident LOL
    he blatantly missed that on purpose.
  7. HurrayTitans!

    HurrayTitans! Useless trivia knowledge champion

    So what if they are starter or not. You just dismiss every other position.
    A coincidence is rare and unexplained which is why its so crazy you dismiss all the other "not coincidences" on why teams like the Ravens and Bucs won their SB, their Defense. The QB was completely irrelevant in both scenarios. Tony Banks wasn't good AND got hurt. That's why he didn't start. But let's be real, the focus of the Ravens was entirely Ray Lewis.

    "We're" not talking about what TV portrays. Who cares what the TV says? I've said for years that the QB only needs to limit turnovers and as long as the team has a good defense, they can win the SB (i.e. those Ravens an Bucs). So your focus on a black QB is missing the overall point of the TEAM game and totally undermines that black players dominate almost every other position on the field, EXCEPT K and P. Which brings my question as to why do you listen to the TV version of "QB is the most important" and ignore the plight of minorities at K and P?

    Point is, I think you really underestimate other fans in how they look at the game. Not everyone just goes by what they see on TV which is apparently what you are basing your entire argument on in regards to the QB position.

    Separately, what did Walsh get for missing that FG against Seattle? nothing.
    What did Seattle get for Walsh missing? 1 more week, then nothing.
    What does the NFL get out of either of those scenarios? Nothing.

    JCBRAVE goTitans 2019 Survivor Champion

    You know this guy is just trolling dont you
    • Hit the Target Hit the Target x 3
  9. Doc

    Doc Pro Bowler

    Someone needs to stop watching WWE.
  10. Doc

    Doc Pro Bowler

    Winston was not informed that he will be playing the “bad guy” in the NFL. If you wanna see a true heel in professional sports, look at mayweather. That dude knows how to play into the “everybody hates me be I’m a bad guy” thing.
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