Jake Locker's Play vs. Texans

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by TitanJeff, Sep 15, 2013.

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  1. Dman

    Dman Pro Bowler

    first of all, it is not me running the offense lol and maybe our coaching staff doesn't trust locker to get it done. we are the only team in the league that seems to have issues passing in this passing league!
    • High Five High Five x 1
  2. JR1980

    JR1980 Pro Bowler

    Teams are STILL playing up on us....Even though we are now apparently stacked at WR and have a new TE in Walker. NOBODY respects jake, end of story....Opposing Defenses, Coaches, Analysts, nobody. The question is, do we REALLY believe he will prove them wrong and earn it?!
    • High Five High Five x 1
  3. Vigsted

    Vigsted Starter


    Of course you're going to have issues passing when the defense knows beforehand when you're going to do it. Same with our running games, its actually impressive that CJ got close to 100 when they knew we were running on every 2nd down and never 3rd down. I havent looked but Id wager he got all his +3 yard gains on 1st down.
  4. Dman

    Dman Pro Bowler


    it goes back to coaching, they call plays to "protect " locker because they obviously don't think he can get the job done. EJ Manuel is better than locker and he has played 2 games!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. JR1980

    JR1980 Pro Bowler

    Agreed. I would pretty much take any QB outside the obvious Sanchez, Gabbert, or Ponder over Locker. I am actuallly interested to see what Fitz can do with this team to be honest. He may turn it over more, but he will also take chances and let the receivers make plays.
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  6. Vigsted

    Vigsted Starter


    If thats the case the HC and GM should be fired for not drafting a QB, so that leads me to believe it isnt the case. Rather our coaching staff believes you win the game by conservative playcalling, regardless of QB, RB, OL or WRs. I think we would have seen the exact same thing regardless if had any of the other rookie or 2nd year QBs out there.
  7. Dman

    Dman Pro Bowler


    well don't be suprised if the HC and Gm are fired for drafting the wrong qb as they should be. Jake Locker is not a first round qb, let alone a 2nd rounder. Our coaching staff needs to realize conservative play calling needs to go but I also think Locker does too. I think we need a new qb and new offensive philosophy because what we have now is not gonna work against the NFL and high powered offenses
    • High Five High Five x 1
  8. tnfan47

    tnfan47 Let's Get It

    Don't blame the QB for the playcalling of the game. Yea, he made bad throws against a good pass rushing defense. If we would've won the game, their would be different conversations on this forum. Quit acting like jets fans after one loss.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  9. JR1980

    JR1980 Pro Bowler

    To say people are acting like Jets fans is ridiculous. We could easily be 0-2 if ****tsburgh had ANY offense at all. I agree that it isn't all Jake's fault, and that the coaching sucks, but come on man, Locker misses SIMPLE passes EVERY game I watch. 38 yards?!?!?!?!? This is not the first time that his passing yards are frightening. There is a trend here, play calling or not. It is very clear that the coaches have no faith in him, whether it is his fault or not. Beefing up the run game, OL, and adding Fitz certainly reflects that.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  10. JR1980

    JR1980 Pro Bowler

    38 yards 1st half that is...
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