Is LenDale White helping or hurting this team?

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by TheSureThing, Sep 30, 2008.

  1. Helping

    63 vote(s)
  2. Hurting

    9 vote(s)
  3. Neutral

    12 vote(s)
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  1. avvie

    avvie It's another cold day in Hell Tip Jar Donor

    Just tuning in... should I really even bother reading the rest of this thread, given it's incredibly silly premise?

  2. LT21Titans27

    LT21Titans27 Tebow Apostle

    You can go take some running back with 1300 yards, Im just gonna go off to the side take my 20 td running back and hope your rooting for me in your living room while Im in the playoffs
  3. Toly

    Toly Free your mind

    Lendale is not hurting the Titans in any way. He is slightly being misused, IMO. From what I remember, he ran the ball 4 times on first down for total of 3 yards (2 no gains). But it should come as no surprise considering his YPC. This is the type of runner you want to have for short yardage situations and nothing more.
  4. jose7

    jose7 Camp Fodder


    I think those who voted that he is helping are just defending that Lendale has use, but that isn't the point.

    Considering what Lendale does objectively, he averages 2.7 YPC which is less than the necessary ten yards for three downs. In a sport where converting for first downs is everything on offense, he can only be hurting us unless it is third and short. I do think Lendale can be useful in certain capacities, such as preventing the defense from getting used to Chris' speed and short yardage. But the question is "Is Lendale White helping or hurting the offense?" and in his current role of splitting carries, he is definitely hurting.

    And yes he has 5 TDs, but I bet Hall probably could have gotten most if not all of those.
  5. wplatham

    wplatham U of M Class of 2012

    He was at 3.0 until the Vikings game, but one of the best front-sevens in football did what they do best. And that 3.0 includes a game against the Jags. They aren't exactly pushovers on the defensive side of the ball either.

    If it helps you any, I don't think 2.7 is good enough. But I'm not ready to bench him after four games, especially looking at his numbers from last season. That YPC is going to come up. Especially with KC and Indy coming up on the schedule.
  6. Fry

    Fry Welcome to the land of tomorrow!

    so he's only good against bad teams? i'd agree with that, especially when you look at his games last year.

    he had as many games under 3.5 YPC than he did over.
  7. ColtKiller

    ColtKiller Starter

    So in other words all you Lendale haters rate yards per carry over touchdowns then, eh? Lendale may have the lowest yards per carry in the league, but thats along with the most TDs (tied with Ronnie Brown and Michael Turner). I'll take the points over the glamor stats please
  8. A Fightin'Titan

    A Fightin'Titan Starter


    Well the play that was reversed where Lendale "supposedly"
    fumbled he pushed like 6 defenders across the goal line. This wasn't called a touchdown but I thought the ball crossed the line.

    You can find the highlight at
  9. GoT

    GoT Strength and Honor

    stupid poll

    Fatboy gets tough yards and TDs. Third and 1 is automatic still, just not resulting in a punt as in the cris Brown era.

    I got zero issues with LWs ypc. All yards are not equal. Slatons 116 against the Titans was alarming, but the bulk was on two runs. I have not done it but I bet his big day would look something like 1,2,0,3,2,57,1,-3,2,3,36,2,4,1,2 whatever. It is a big number because of a couple of superior runs, not consistent effectivness, as the Fatboy brings to the table.
  10. jose7

    jose7 Camp Fodder

    Glamor stats? You have to put all stats in context. In the context of Lendale, goal line leaching and bad runs otherwise.
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