If The Titans miss it by one did CJ's holdout cost them a playoff spot?

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by CRUDS, Dec 7, 2011.

  1. Yes, no brainer.

  2. No. his holdout and performance had no bearing.

  3. Maybe - I'm not sure of stuff.

  4. CJ is the awesomest! He can never be blamed for anything - ever.

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  1. Kaeotik

    Kaeotik Pro Bowler

    Blaming one player (especially if they aren't a QB) for a loss is just ridiculous!

    LANGSTER Pro Bowler

    The team said last year he would get a new deal and they waited to long to make an offer. CJ sure didnt get near the deal that peterson got it was more like what D.Williams of the panthers got. Team knew they could wait him out, due to his finances and lifestyle. 60 percent CJ 40 percent front office. They made offers to late should have had this done before the williams deal was done.

    Jaxx loss was bad but the bengal loss up 17-7 at home, and not blitzing the rookie qb and playing the fisher zone, hurts us worse than the jag loss.

    Team should be 9-3 and in the division hunt and with the injuries to the texans, win the division. The jag loss had alot to do with new staff and the lockout. Bengal loss was on the coaching staff!
    • High Five High Five x 2
  3. steverife

    steverife Pro Bowler

    First, I don't really believe that 1 game causes a team to miss or make the playoffs. The Jacksonville loss is the worst loss on paper, but the team didn't show up for Pittsburgh or the Texans, didn't show up until the 2nd half of Atlanta, and gave away the Bengals game. ...and they will have to lose at least 1 more game, probably 2, to miss the playoffs. IF that happens, they had plenty of opportunities to play their way in.

    Secondly, there is no guarantee that having CJ would have ensured that win. He could have pulled a DeSean Jackson and the team could be sitting 2-10, or he could have blown out his knee, or he and Kenny Britt could have gotten shot up at the club, or he could have played the exact same way, or he could be sitting at 1500 yards right now but other players didn't step up, etc, etc, etc.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  4. CRUDS

    CRUDS Moderator Staff

    - What good does any post on a sports forum besides entertainment?

    - I blame CJ because he was the one who held out. This season is a rare opp for TN to make the postseason and it disgusts me that it might not happen because of a stupid freakin holdout.
    If CJ hadn't held out I wouldn't assign blame to him.

    - Obviously the goal of a poll is to see who thinks what - or how many people agree...
  5. Alex1939

    Alex1939 Space Invaders Champion

    A lot of sour grapes imo.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  6. Kaeotik

    Kaeotik Pro Bowler

    When he was promised a new contract before the season anyway and didn't have it yet. Just sayin.
  7. titan_fan_4ever

    titan_fan_4ever Titans Rule

    as far as im concerned there are 5 o-linemen and 1 RB, you decide....

    thing is there are so many different factors that worked together in making us lose more than just 1 game...

    ..or how bout how ineffective Ringer was as well?

    ..or our cheap FO that basically 'told' CJ they would give him a new contract after he proves himself for a whole nother year FOLLOWING a 2k season?

    ....or how bout that prevent D?

    .....or how bout ineffective safety play?

    ...what bout our far from consistent pass rush?

    ohh no there's plenty of blame to go around.. ima opt to abstain from this poll.
  8. CRUDS

    CRUDS Moderator Staff

    He either cost us the game or he didn't. You contradict yourself here.

    If Hasselbeck held out and subsequently performed poorly I would most definitely called him on it here. Had CJ been in camp but still not performed well this thread would not exist.

    The entire point? Holdouts hurt the team and for this team this season we may just have a direct cause/effect. Holdout=no playoffs.
  9. CRUDS

    CRUDS Moderator Staff

    You are simply ignorant.
  10. steverife

    steverife Pro Bowler

    I have no problem with your opinion or this thread, but the poll options are manipulated to support you. I don't agree with you at all, but I also can't accurately say that CJ has no bearing. No one player is to be blamed, but no one player is without blame, also. Team game.

    I also don't think it is a rare opportunity. Outside of '04-'06, the team has had a very real shot to make the playoffs every year since they've been here.
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