If The Titans miss it by one did CJ's holdout cost them a playoff spot?

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by CRUDS, Dec 7, 2011.

  1. Yes, no brainer.

  2. No. his holdout and performance had no bearing.

  3. Maybe - I'm not sure of stuff.

  4. CJ is the awesomest! He can never be blamed for anything - ever.

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  1. World Peace

    World Peace Nephew Gunner

    he gets paid like a player that should singlehandedly win every game.. not just 2 a year
    • High Five High Five x 2
  2. GoT

    GoT Strength and Honor


    disagree about the precentages but totally agree with the comment
    • High Five High Five x 1
  3. CRUDS

    CRUDS Moderator Staff

    The door was open for him to show up and learn the new system, practice and hammer out a contract that would make him the al time highest paid RB in NFL history.
    CJ chose not to.
    So those extra dollars above "highest paid all time" were more important to CJ than winning.

    Puts it back on him in my book.
  4. SawdustMan

    SawdustMan #ChampChamp

    In any negotiation, the side that is giving the other tens of millions of dollars has the right to set the parameters for said negotiations IMO.

    Did the FO do everything perfectly? No. But the bottom line is they flat out said "show up and you'll be the highest paid RB in the league". CJ refused. Held out til the last possible minute and ended up negatively impacting his team's season.
  5. madeupdreams

    madeupdreams Starter

    If we miss the playoffs I won't put it all on CJ's performance earlier in the year. However, it was one of the contributing factors.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  6. GoT

    GoT Strength and Honor


    lol - I was thinking 99% CJ 1% front office

    clearly getting CJ into camp, despite his selfish behavior, should have been a bigger priority. I understand he was under contract and should have been a pro, but the Titan FO knew he was unprofessional and should have reacted too the reality of the situation instead of the theory of the situation.
    • High Five High Five x 3

    JCBRAVE goTitans 2019 Survivor Champion

    You're not pointing the finger at the right people. Last summer Joel Segal negotiated $300 million worth of contracts in a month. So unfortunately for Titan fans, C.J.'s agent was just too damn busy to have gotten C.J. to camp on time.

    Because of the lockout, all the agents also had to stop everything and wait on the CBA.

    The CBA falling apart made lots and lots of agents clients all of a sudden free agents when under the old CBA wouldn't have been. So again, Segal was extra busy with all these new free agents due to the new rules.

    Look who this guy had to wok with last summer when C.J. was holding out.
    Tarvaris Jackson
    Santonio Holmes
    Reggie Bush
    Mark Ingram
    Jamaal Anderson
    BenJarvus, Green-Ellis
    Ike Taylor
    Mike Pouncey
    Michael Jenkins
    Michael Vick
    Chris Johnson
    LaRon Landry
    Darren Sharper

    And thats not even half his clients, just some of the bigger names he got new deals done for this past summer.

    If we wanna blame anyone, it's on Joel. He's the one who convinced C.J. he should holdout, then he bails on him to fly to 30 other places. C.J. wanted to be with the team BTW.

    When this guy is working one any one deal, thats ALL he works on. Segal said - "Whatever contract I'm working on now is the most important contact there is". So that right there tells us a lot about how Segal works. If he's in Philly getting Mike Vick paid, he's not in TN worrying one bit about C.J.. He also had to juggle Randy Moss' retirement.

    IMO C.J.'s new contract should have taken only 3-4 days if last offseason was a normal offseason.
  8. Kaeotik

    Kaeotik Pro Bowler

    I agree with CJ's agent getting some blame, CJ getting some blame, and the Titans getting some blame. To the threadstarter................


    Exactly how long are you going to whine and cry about that week 1 game and talk about how it was all CJ's fault? How lame could you be? Boo freakin hoo you big baby!
    • High Five High Five x 1
  9. MikeyDay

    MikeyDay Clutch like a stick shift

    Its not how u start its how u finish. Isnt that one of the sayings they say for the NFL? And no HE didnt cost us , we did as a team. Fluke loss week one, Hasselbeck is the one who threw the INT in the final drive. The refs gave the game to Cinncy with a terrrrrrrible reffed game in favor of the Bengals. So we lookin at us 9-3 with those two games went our way. Not bad if u ask me considering nobody had us finish above .500
  10. GoT

    GoT Strength and Honor

    CJ could have gotten a more attentive agent, or actually been a pro and reported too camp like his contract stated.

    Either way if CJ had any issue with his agent he could have gotten a new one.
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