How about KC v VY for starter?

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by Gut, Aug 17, 2009.

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  1. Vigsted

    Vigsted Starter

    And what coaching position do you currently hold with the Titans to know this for a fact?

    More than half the people on this board can't even read a defence from the stands or TV images, yet you can tell that Young isn't reading the defences?

    Gotta love them armchair coaches...

    JCBRAVE goTitans 2019 Survivor Champion

    ^I think it is easy to criticize from the side, and harder than it seems to read a playbook indeed. I can read them at a college level. Never seen a real NFL playbook, but they can be tough to figure out, especially if your not to cleaver to begin with. I'd just use Young and a wild card and throw him in and say 'go', but remember to throw if you can not go.
  3. Pastorini

    Pastorini Camp Fodder

    Reading some NFL defenses can be complicated for sure especially in real time for a QB on the field. There is no doubt about that but that is what NFL qbs have to be able to do. Fans do not have to be able to do that. :)
  4. Psychop1

    Psychop1 Big Tee

    Of course you don't recall it. It doesn't suit your argument.

    That's just it. Ramsey's short-comings are his. I'm not going to sit here and make excuse after excuse for Ramsey. Nor will I for Collins. Nor will I for Young.

    The Vince Young apologists are throwing him under the bus. I didn't say Young did. Just more misinformation...

    That's all WR's ever do when Young is in the game - make mistakes. Is this the part where I'm supposed to defend Edison to the max? He ran perfect routes all game? I'm not going to, but but one mistake from a WR doesn't erase Vince Young's consistently dismal play.

    If Vince Young doesn't belong on a roster, it's because of his dismal play, nothing else. Otherwise, I think you should review the topic of this thread that you started.

    A Vince Young apologist pointing out reality? How about defending Matt Leinart. Is that worth a try? His play has been similar to Young's, and coincidentally, he was also replaced in the lineup by a savvy veteran. Leinart needs to start over Warner. Do I look realistic now?

    You're dumping on WR's to make Young look like a victim of circumstance. I tend to feel bad for our WR's. They have to make circus grab after circus grab. Should they make one mistake on a route, they get to be one of Young's crutches, erasing his entire dismal performance.
  5. earlers

    earlers Camp Fodder

    The fact is NOT obvious that Ramsey is better than Vince. You can go make up some if you want to...
  6. I didn't say it was obvious that Ramsay is better than VY. I just said it was obvious that Collins is better...

    I do think Ramsay is better at this point. But there's not enough evidence to be sure of that.
  7. Titan_Cam

    Titan_Cam Camp Fodder

    What was "dismal" about Young's play on Friday evening? You may not answer but if you do, please be specific.
  8. Alex1939

    Alex1939 Space Invaders Champion

    Why would Hawkins have to say he ran the wrong route, and if so who forced him to and under what threat?

    Who should I trust, some poster on a message board, or a coach, qb, and wr of the Titans?
  9. Pastorini

    Pastorini Camp Fodder

    It is my opinion that Ramsey has been a more efficient passer than VY has been in their careers. Your opinion may be different. :)
  10. Psychop1

    Psychop1 Big Tee

    To keep it short, how about I make a list of what he did positive.

    There you go.
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