How about KC v VY for starter?

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by Gut, Aug 17, 2009.

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  1. TitansJonne

    TitansJonne OG triple OG

    Obviously, but what's the point of saying Young is playing against backups? He's a backup also. And if youre saying that Vince should light it up against the baclups then did you forget he's playing with backups? I don't think collins has lit it up in preseason a few years back.
  2. Psychop1

    Psychop1 Big Tee

    Come see me. Don't forget your wallet.

    No I didn't Gut. Try again.
  3. Gut

    Gut Pro Bowler


    I don't recall wr's running the wrong routes for the last 3 years nor has anyone in this thread suggested it except you. And we still have yet to hear YOUR explanation for the WR running the wrong route other than to say it didn't happen...or you're not 100% sure it didn't happen...but it's a conspiracy to save VY. Ok...

    Which mistakes did the wr's make when Ramsey was in there. Didn't you (or was it someone else) who said that all the WR's run perfect routes except for when VY's qb'ing?

    Hawkins threw himself under the bus...VY didn't.

    Did Edison give up on the route or did he run it correctly? Praise in camp doesn't mean you never make a mistake.

    So let me get this straight. You criticizing Young both fairly and unfairly is fine but pointing out other players who mistakes is crapping on them? Has anyone in this thread said that Hawkins, Edison, Britt or Cook sucked? No, the only one called terrible or he sucks is VY.

    And that's the difference. I point out reality and you want to wish it away. Point out VY's problems...but make sure they are factual and not made up. No other player is being bashed for bashing sake.

    Am I crapping on Edison if I point out a mistake he made? I think not. If I blankedly say Edison sucks and shouldn't be on our roster...then yes. Which am I doing and which are you doing?

    One leads to an intelligent conversation. The other doesn't lead anywhere...

  4. Psychop1

    Psychop1 Big Tee

    You think he doesn't. That's what's really funny. I would bet money that Mawae knows the receivers' routes better than Young.


    Why wasn't Dinger thrown under the bus? Maybe because our scoring offense drastically improved under a journeyman QB. Why the hell would someone throw him under the bus? He improved the offense - mainly by keeping Young away from it.
  5. Pastorini

    Pastorini Camp Fodder

    In the 2008 preseason you are right. Kerrys stats were about as bad as VY's stats were.

    In the 2007 preseason Kerrys stats were very solid including 3tds vs 0 ints and a 109 qb rating.

    In 2008 preseason I think I remember one 51 yard TD bomb to the same guy some VY fans bash now (Hawkins)
  6. Eddyc85

    Eddyc85 Go Bucks!

    Lies. I gave Young props after the Tampa game, your assuming and your incorrect.

    Yea. Why should I slam Collins in the pre season when I've seen him do well in the real season? Young has never been a good passer in the regular season so I say "well lets look at the pre season maybe he can show SOME progress." And overall he hasn't. I've explained this before, I wont do it again.

    We scored more points under Collins, end of story, we were better on offense.

    For a journeyman QB I'll take it, he still posts better passing numbers than Young so why criticize Collins when he's better?

    No, it is reality. It's not YPA, it's the 3rd and longs and it's something you can only see by watching the game. Your too much of a numbers guy to understand that some things you can only see by watching.

    Numbers numbers numbers. We won with McNair. I could care less about numbers, McNair won.

    VY has won a few games for us, mainly in his rookie year but for the most part in 07, we won despite Vince and you know it.

    Wins and turnovers are some of the stats I talk about.

    None of the names mentioned above are backups so yea they are all better than Young.
  7. Titan_Cam

    Titan_Cam Camp Fodder

    I appreciate Gut's arguments because he actually tries to reason logically (btw, are you a lawyer???) rather than just throw out assertions based on emotion and opinion like some others are doing. I think some people here are completely unwilling if not incapable of accepting any performance from Young at this point that isn't stellar, irregardless of what the circumstances surrounding that performance were. It's almost like they want to take the path of least resistance and just say "Young sucks and hasn't improved" rather than actually put any thought into what they say. I think the wisest thing any of us could do is wait and see how he performs behind the #1 O-line and with the #1 receivers and RB's for hopefully at least a couple series.

    That said Gut, it's clear to me and probably most viewing this thread that you're wasting your time. It's enjoyable for me to read but probably not worth the effort you are putting in.
  8. GoTitans3801

    GoTitans3801 Forward Progress!

    Did you mean to highlight the fake word?
  9. Psychop1

    Psychop1 Big Tee

    Chow was fired because of Vince Young. You're welcome to prod around and ask other fans why he was fired. I certainly remember fans of many different teams arguing this at the time. My naivety lead me to argue against that position. I've grown to accept it.
  10. Pastorini

    Pastorini Camp Fodder

    Russell looks like a legit NFL qb to me on a team that has had a hard time on offense. I thought last year he was solid despite the Raiders crazy team stuff....It was basically his rookie year and he threw 13tds vs 8 ints. He has a cannon of an arm.
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