How about KC v VY for starter?

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by Gut, Aug 17, 2009.

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  1. Gut

    Gut Pro Bowler


    Hawkins was very slow and late getting off the ball. I don't think he ran the right route anyway but he was too close because of not getting off the ball. I think VY just threw it away...or over threw Cook. But 2 mistakes is 2 too many ...especially for a guy who's not a rookie!

  2. I'm glad Fisher and Dinger keep Collins as the starter...
  3. Gut

    Gut Pro Bowler


    Psychop...where is the link to Mawae saying VY has a recent problem with the playbook? And what he has in the past corrected Young on was protection calls when he was starting his first year I believe. You think Mawae knows route combinations and adjustments based off secondary coverages?

    That's about one of the funniest things you've said!!!

    Getting back to reality...

    If an OC was thrown under the bus for VY, why wasn't Dinger last year? Why would you throw an OC under a bus for any QB? If he's a good OC, he can adjust his offense and playcalling to suit Collins or Young this doesn't make sense unless Fisher didn't like what the OC was doing.

    It's not the first time we've seen a highly respected College coach try to adapt a college offense and fail. Ask Spurrier how that went down.

  4. Gut

    Gut Pro Bowler


    I haven't seen the Giants fan base admit that Chow was fired because of Vince Young. I also haven't seen the Jets fan base claim this either. Exactly what fan base is saying this and where?

    Thanks for the link on Mawae's comments. I do believe that VY did not study the offense well enough leading to last year's ineffectiveness and his meltdown. I don't like what he did in that off-season to prepare for football. However, I think he has corrected that going into this off-season (perhaps his last) as he's making better decisions on the field and that only comes from knowing the plays. Yes, he still has more work to do, but it's not like Mawae can tell him his route progressions. But guys like Mawae are supposed to help younger QB's with those EG and Wycheck did for McNair.

    Chow was fired because his offense never quite got to an NFL level. Much like our OC of the Super Bowl was very limited.

  5. TitansJonne

    TitansJonne OG triple OG

    Especially since dinger was here with Steve so he already knows how to make a playbook suit a runner. Although vince may be more of a runner than mcnair. Don't get me wrong steve was great, but i notice they run differently. Steve runs for as many yards as possible. When vince runs, he slows up and tries to find his blockers so he can spring free for a td. Which is why that missed block by chris henry against the cowboys was so crucial. Gosh i hate chen so much now.
  6. Pastorini

    Pastorini Camp Fodder

    Collins also goes against each teams starting first string defense instead of a bunch of backups. :)
  7. TitansJonne

    TitansJonne OG triple OG

    ^^What does that even mean? It's obviously backups vs backups when young is in.
  8. From-the-stands

    From-the-stands Starter

    Young is the better open field runner. McNair was an incredible escape artist. Both could demoralize a defense with their running abilities.
  9. Pastorini

    Pastorini Camp Fodder

    I think it is much more difficult to go against some teams first unit starters. :)
  10. Psychop1

    Psychop1 Big Tee

    You just desperately want a biased advisory. Sorry, I'm not going to go there for you. I call it as it is, not as I want it. Collins's interception was definitely his fault. Vince Young's interception was definitely his fault. I don't WANT to knock Vince Young, but he definitely motivates me to do so. If I were biased, I'd be in here making excuse after excuse why each of Young's dismal performances are not his fault.

    It's impossible to be clear. YOU don't know if he did. I don't know if he did. The only things that are certain with me is that Hawkins had to say he did whether he did or not, that Young can't read defenses or playbooks, and that interception would have been intercepted no matter what route Hawkins ran. I can't believe the lengths you would go to (or the depths you would stoop) to say that an interception was a good decision from a QB, especially one that ugly.
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