How about KC v VY for starter?

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by Gut, Aug 17, 2009.

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  1. Gut

    Gut Pro Bowler


    The positive is that Young has at least somewhat recovered from last year's meltdown and actually has a chance to make the team...perhaps more. He's actually making better decisions than he has in the past. Sometimes his execution isn't there...but he has shown potential. He still has a lot of refinement to do, but that's a lot better than the downward spiral he appeared to be in last year. He has a chance...

    Collins has been up and down. I like his leadership abilities and calm demeanor, but he's still making dome bad decisions that he's made all his career (which he thankfully limited last season). I don't mind if a DL makes a great play and picks off a 5 yd pass when he shouldn't have been there and the QB can't see him...but throwing into triple coverage should never have been done.

    One thing hampering all our QB's and our run game has been our interior OL play. From assignment mistakes (on VY's Bills game INT AND Dallas game INT) or Amano not inconsistency (did I mention Amano not blocking anyone) to guys getting whipped (Amano has been VERY inconsistent along with Harris and Scott got schooled and driven back into the QB several times against Dallas). Inconsistent run blocking leads to too many 3rd and longs and too many 3 and outs.

    It didn't help that Dallas' offense could march the field on our D and exposed some of their weaknesses as well. We have a nickelback issue and depth (as Faggins and Davis got scorched) as well as our DT's got manhandled.

    The good thing was Collins' TD throw at Dallas as well as VY going deep. Britt did well to beat his guy but Young under threw him. He made another good decision the next play and a better throw but who knows what the WR was doing. Still, I found us having the deep ball ability and knowing when to throw it a nice change and perhaps something to look forward to this season. I also like what I've seen from Ringer. He could be our #2 by the time the season starts with White again being more of a short yardage guy.

  2. Blazing Arrow

    Blazing Arrow The 12th man

    Wow Gut loves him some VY. Excuse after excuse after excuse. And your analysis of the Buffalo game is poor at best. He looked like crap and the INT was his fault.

    I am still reading about the Cowboys game but if it is riddled with as much homersism as the Buffalo game we can close the book on you as yet another Young jock sniffer.

    Jaguars game last season he sucked ... Colts game last season against second stringers he sucked ... against the Bills 2nd and 3rd team D he sucked. He pulls his head out of his arse in the Tampa game against a second team D that is changing schemes ... but then reverts to suck again against the Cowboys.

    Two games to go and he better tattoo "10" on the bench. He should have first dibs considering how much we are paying him but it better be in removable ink because at his current pace he is not a Titan in 2010.
  3. Gut

    Gut Pro Bowler


    First off, you can't add pre-season numbers and regular season numbers together for a comparison.

    Second, Collins yds per pass attempt last year was well below 7 as well. It is the style of this offense (though that may change a bit this season). VY actually had a higher yard per pass attmept his last starting season '07 vs Collins did last year. I don't see this as Collins being worse, merely that we had a great running game so we didn't need longer throws to convert first downs as much as safer throws to our RB's and TE's gave us the safe play with decent yardage they wanted. Also, throwing shorter leads to fewer turnovers...

    Third, you can't compare pre-season plus regular season stats and compare them to last season which was parts of 2 games for VY. That like me taking Collins pre-season stats plus stats from his first 2 non-starting years and then comparing them to show he's a bad QB. It's ridiculous...and funny!:)

  4. GoTitans3801

    GoTitans3801 Forward Progress!

    Gut, you make a legit point, even though I don't agree with it. The numbers are more comparable than most people think. My preference for Collins comes mainly from my fear that the stories about the chargers game and the jags game are true. There were several points where it really looked like he had lost the confidence of his teammates, which Kerry clearly had. I forget who said it (though Bulluck would be my guess), but after Kerry had started about half the season, there was a quote from one of the starters saying how they all believed in him and that confidence helped everyone.

    You make quite a few good points, it is a closer debate than many of us have been making it.

    However, in the big picture, it's a moot point. We didn't re-sign Kerry to a two year deal as a backup. He's going to start, barring massive failure. Next year might be a different story, but I feel that it's unlikely. The decision will have to be made on Young by the start of next offseason. In my opinion, the only way he'll get enough of an opportunity to show enough to stick around is if Kerry gets injured this season, though there's the outside chance that we could start strong like last season and Kerry could sit the last game. Young could come in and blow us away and show progress, but we'll see.
  5. Gut

    Gut Pro Bowler


    So when he threw a TD pass vs the Bucs, you were embarassed? Were you similarly embarassed when Collins threw an INT into triple coverage? Or were you proud because Collins threw it?

    Talk about a double standard!

    If he's not worth talking about anymore in your opinion...why are you talking about him?

  6. TitansJonne

    TitansJonne OG triple OG

    I just continue to browse this thread because Gut is on his P's and Q's. It's hilarious, you haters or realist better step it up haha
  7. Anyone who has watched Vince as a passer should know by now that it's ridiculous to suggest he should be starting. Not just ahead of Collins, either. I'd rather put Ramsey in at QB at this point if Collins missed a game.

    Gut can throw all the stats out there that he wants, but the facts are obvious. We'd be far better off with a ton of other QBs than Collins, but that's not an option. Either way, he's the best we've got...
  8. Gut

    Gut Pro Bowler


    First off, I don't like when ANY qb does that. However, I understand it. For a much maligned guy to see single coverage and know he's gonna complete a big throw only to have a WR make a mistake again (not Britt the play before) is frustrating to anyone. I don't think he was putting his hands up to show up Edison, but the utter disbelief that they didn't complete it. I think that is a bit of a maturity issue.

    I don't like when Young, Manning, Marino or anyone else does it.

  9. Gut

    Gut Pro Bowler


    Hardly a conspiracy. Starters work with Collins who rarely gets Hawkins on the field with him much since most of the time he has Gage and Wash with 2 TE's or 1 TE and Hall or Cook.

    When Young is on the field, Hawkins is always there along with some of the younger WR (like Edison and Guice who are rookies and not coming into the NFL from Pro offenses). Hawkins made 2 mental mistakes and Edison made a rookie mistake.

    It happens...on every team. Did you notice the mental mistakes against Dallas on our defense?

    Conspiracy? No. Preseason. Yes!

  10. TBC_titan

    TBC_titan Camp Fodder

    I'm glad Fisher and Dinger make those decisions and not you.
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