How about KC v VY for starter?

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by Gut, Aug 17, 2009.

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  1. eds clothing

    eds clothing Camp Fodder

    I agree with this wasn't one player worse than the other Kc looked as bad Vy and Ramsey they all were terrible. Im not worried about the Qb what worries me is the defense our Qb will never be special. With no inside push the d-line looks average I wonder if we could miss big Al.:grrr:
  2. Pacman 4 HoF

    Pacman 4 HoF Starter

    of course we are going to miss big al. the question is if our offense can score a few more points to offset the loss of big al. i think we can.

    and all yall about to flame me saying, no big al just got a big contract, he sucks now... im not arguing about that. im sayin that we will miss the production that big al gave us for the past 2 years. not here to debate if big al will be good for the redskins (totally not worth it)
  3. Eddyc85

    Eddyc85 Go Bucks!

    I personally don't care about the loss. The cowboys opened up their playbook and they weren't going to lose in their new stadium especially after being dominated by Oakland last week. As I've been saying, Young needs a good showing in the pre season in order to show he's been developing. He was below average against Buffalo, good against Tampa, and horrible against Dallas. This is not what you want from the #3 overall pick who's a supposed franchise QB. The quicker this teams realizes Young is a bust and belongs in the same sentence as Joey Harrington and Tim Couch and move on the better we will be and it seems that's going to have to happen after this year.
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  4. earlers

    earlers Camp Fodder

    Your posts were below average in analyzing him in the Buffalo game, horrible in the Tampa game (he was playing against 2nd stringers.. what do you expect), and predictable response in the Dallas game.

    Sad part is that you couldn't wait for him to have a sub-par game so you could run out here with glee.
  5. Pacman 4 HoF

    Pacman 4 HoF Starter

    didnt have to wait long
  6. earlers

    earlers Camp Fodder

    Yeah Peyton did it so much...Reggie Wayne eventually got in his azz about it.
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  7. earlers

    earlers Camp Fodder

    have to give you that one...that was funny.
  8. Titan_Cam

    Titan_Cam Camp Fodder

    Really? Edison and Hawkins have been out there at receiver when Collins has been QBing? I must have missed that...

    You can't decisively say it's the QB's fault when you haven't seen those same receivers with the other QBs. That's basic reasoning right there. That's part of the reason Fisher wants to get Vince time with the starters.

    If Vince is still throwing tons of incompletions with Gage and Washington out there then go ahead and place blame.
    • High Five High Five x 2
  9. Psychop1

    Psychop1 Big Tee

    It's the same excuse that's been playing for the last three years. Three years because it even surfaced during the first Jags game last season. Patrick Ramsey is playing with the same WR's. I'll admit, Ramsey didn't look good last night either, but nobody is coming to his defense saying it's the WR's. All I've heard for the last three years is that Vince just needs more talent around him. What now? Throwing Hawkins under the bus wasn't enough. Now Edison, who's been getting unlimited praise in camp. Kenny Britt and Jared Cook too? How many more coaches and/or players are we going to crap on just so we can keep saying that Vince is the golden child?
    • High Five High Five x 1
  10. Eddyc85

    Eddyc85 Go Bucks!

    I said he did a nice job against Tampa so I don't know what your talking about, I think your just assuming. And I'm sorry you thought my response to the Dallas game was predictable I guess I should have said he looked really good despite going 3/9 with a pick. :rolleyes:
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