Horton accepts Titans’ DC job

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by mike75, Jan 18, 2014.

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  1. Clark

    Clark #ShoutboxAlley4Life

    Horton's browns defense was pretty real terrible. Scheme change and band aids everywhere... You have to understand the talent differential was enormous.

    His cardinals defense was fire though. Did some good things with that bunch. Stack roster that whiz helped to draft though.

    In that case at least they'd have players they can mirror from and say... "He fits this mold" of what they did in AZ.

    I would doubt we come out on fire as a defensive hybrid front and surprise. Give it til the next season to see the changes fully implemented.
  2. ImATitan

    ImATitan Pro Bowler

    Yea we'll probably be slightly disappointed with the defense next year. It's going to take 2 years to get everything together on that side of the ball.
  3. SawdustMan

    SawdustMan #ChampChamp

    Yeah 3-4. And he ran the 3-4 when he was with Whis in Arizona. And he was an assistant for the Steelers from 04-10. Horton is a 3-4 guy through and through. So despite Whisenhunt's non-committal comments about the defense, I fully expect we're going to see the transition into a 3-4 sooner rather than later.

    Horton does use lots of different defensive fronts though. But at the end of the day he's a 3-4 guy. And he's very aggressive with his playcalling. Blitzes quite a bit. If we can just find that pass rusher we so desperately need I think Horton will get this defense back on the map. I think we target DL at #11 now, assuming one of the top QBs doesn't fall.
    • High Five High Five x 3
  4. sirjesse

    sirjesse Starter

    What's wrong with Russ Grimm as ol?
  5. Finnebosch

    Finnebosch I am vengeance.

    His OLs in Arizona were pretty bad.
  6. Titanup1982

    Titanup1982 All-Pro

    Yes yes yes!! I love it..
  7. J Falk

    J Falk Starter

    All the sudden our needs have changed dramatically. We're now good at DE, weak at Nose. Good at linebacker in general. Wimbley and ayers are relevant again. We're also good at inside linebacker. Zb, McCarthy, fokou, gooden( considering zb and gooden can make the transition).
  8. Titanup1982

    Titanup1982 All-Pro

    This feels like a dream. It's been a while since I have felt this good about this team.
    • High Five High Five x 7
  9. ImATitan

    ImATitan Pro Bowler

    ZB & Gooden should be able to make the transition. No way has Gooden showed anything for us to rely on him though. Not sure Fokou will be a good 3-4 LB, same with Mccarthy.

    Wimbley won't be on the team.

    I'm hopeful, but still have a ton of reservations of a 3-4. Especially Casey (outside or NT?), ZB, Gooden, Lee Hill, Fokou & Mccarthy. I only have 100% faith Ayers will benefit.
  10. Clark

    Clark #ShoutboxAlley4Life

    Brown and gooden are both small for ILB.

    Well I have to retract this statement.

    I thought Patrick Willis was 255-260... Dude is 241.

    Brown is 248
    Gooden is 233.

    Give or take they arnt at a great disadvantage.

    I will say I don't think either are the type the attack and shed blocks as aggressively as the top 34 ILB. However, Im willing to see how this turns out. Both are great cover and speed guys.

    Speed wise this could be an ugly attacking front with those fast guys rushing from the inside.

    Ayers on the outside in a 34 is where he belongs, but I don't think he is anything more than an average rush guy.

    Casey and Martin would be my starting 5 techs. Leaves a hole for the NT and a true rush OLB.

    Wimbley sucks. Morgan can rotate for the 5 tech strong side as well.
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