Gregg Williams turned down chance to return to Titans

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by Titans News, Feb 2, 2010.

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  1. GoT

    GoT Strength and Honor

    Donnie Nickey jumped negating a successful fake punt late this season. Don't remember the opponent though.

    If you don't start you have to play ST AND be able to replace the starter due to injuries or the business side of football. Nickey can't start and is not projected too start. His 7 year career has prevented the Titans from giving 7 players a chance too prove they belong in the NFL. Nickey is a total waste of a roster spot as there are numerous street FAs that would be immediate upgrades on ST and some of them could even actually play football - well possibly. At least they have not already proven they can't like Nickey has. Best thing Nickey has done in his NFL career is not beat White too death when fatboy spit on him.
  2. RollTide

    RollTide All-Pro

    Donnie Nickey has nothing to do with this topic. I'm sick of about this narrow stupid symbolism that he is supposed to represent. It's dumb and way over done to constantly refer to a guy who is one of the last to make the cut every year.

    7 players not good enough to take a roster spot from donnie nickey? They must really suck! Please name them for me.
  3. GoT

    GoT Strength and Honor

    who knows cause they were cut!
  4. RollTide

    RollTide All-Pro

    Who knows? You can't go back and look at all the safties the titans cut since 2003? Of course you can.
  5. Gut

    Gut Pro Bowler


    So you love me? LOL...

    A great way to avoid debating is to attack the person in the debate. I did notice you failed to address any of the valid points or questions asked of you regarding your rant about Nickey, Peyton's son, and Pola.

    I ripped Turner for what exactly? I defended Fisher about what exactly? Be clear and specific in what you're talking about if you actually are trying to make a point.

    Someone who is only here to defend Fisher at all costs even in the face or facts or reason is not me. I have criticized Fisher plenty of times and still do. When I feel he's messed up I say so. Fisher has flaws like most coaches and I have commented on those flaws numerous times. The difference between you and me is that when Fisher or Nickey or whomever don't fit into your own ideal of what you want them to be, you label them worthless and want to throw them away. And then to 'solidify' your thought, you say things like my Grandmother could get more forced fumbles, blah blah blah. Not really a strong argument.

    Perhaps now we could return to the thread's topic and you could address my points you have avoided?

  6. Gut

    Gut Pro Bowler


    FYI...good special teams players rarely have any stats other than tackles and some guys don't even have tackles. Good gunners frequently force a fair catch by beating their man downfield and forcing a returner to call for a fair catch. You don't get a stat for that but it is worthwhile to have. So ranting and raving about Nickey is a bit silly.

    He is a good special teams player but you can simply say I don't think the guy will ever develop into starting material (my opinion anyway) so I'd rather them give someone else a shot.

    Again, the ridiculous comments that people on the street have more talent or more speed (which is not indicative of a good special teams player) hurts your argument.

    Why don't you attempt to leave your hatred for Fisher out of a Nickey discussion. Most teams have players who only play special teams and are ONLY on the team to play special teams.

    Your comments about Nickey being worthless suggest otherwise. However, I would agree with you that I don't think they should re-sign him. I would rather get a player who has a chance to develop while playing special teams. It seems clear Nickey will not develop into a starting player and I would not pay him more money to stay with the team than he's already been paid.

    • High Five High Five x 1
  7. GoT

    GoT Strength and Honor

    I could, but I won't. I'm just going too assume there were 3 starters, 3 All-Pros and a HOFer - all just too keep JFs pet Donnie Nickey
  8. karmarouge

    karmarouge Camp Fodder


    Um hellooooo? I did say myself that i was avoiding your bogus questions dripping with hypocrisy and stated the exact reason. Now you are stating that i am avoiding answering your questions!!! Dude i just told you i wasnt gonna waste my time with you!!! Are you blind?

    ANd you have the audacity to ask me to point out your two faced posts? Really? you forgot where to find the crap that you post that you need my help to fish it out for ya!

    I will make sure to put that on my bucket list!:moon2:

    Ps... nice touch with that child psychology... (posting like you agree with me on the useless-ness of donnie freaking nickey).. Dont worry, you probably fooled an idiot or two into thinking objectivity is your better quality..:wink2:
  9. RollTide

    RollTide All-Pro


    About as close to all pro as donnie nickey. Remember calvin lowry? He's been cut by 2 other teams already.
  10. RollTide

    RollTide All-Pro

    Greg Williams simply didn't want to coach here but for some reason we have to discuss how some scrub player makes the team.

    Blame Reese for drafting nickey in the first place since we used our 6th rd pick to trade up in the 5th to get him. A 5th and a 6th to get Ohio State's other safety(Doss the other) who ran a 4.66 40.
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