Gregg Williams turned down chance to return to Titans

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by Titans News, Feb 2, 2010.

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  1. Gut

    Gut Pro Bowler


    Reportedly, Pola was Fisher's preference so when he became available, he went out and got him. What is wrong with that? Are you personally aware that our fired RB's coach is a better RB coach than Pola and might you have some proof of this?

    What would the rant be about? That he's one of our better special teams players so they've kept him around?

    Um, carrying the guy for 5 years would have been bad. He got a chance (like a lot of players) to make the team and improve. He didn't improve enough over a couple of seasons so they got rid of him. What's the problem? Did they OVER pay him or keep him for a long time?

    I'd like to hear your rant...but again, nothing you've said has anything to do with BUD saying no being a reason to blame Fisher...

  2. karmarouge

    karmarouge Camp Fodder

    nepotism deals with friends and family.
  3. karmarouge

    karmarouge Camp Fodder


    If it were any body else but you, i swear then i would take my time out posting a nice rebuttal.

    But there is no way in hell i would waste my time on a guy who goes off and rips Nov Turner for doing the exact same thing fisher did while he is defending jeff fisher in another thread on this forum.

    You sir have you head stuck firmly up fisher's duodenum. Talking to you about fisher is like trying to convince a Jim jones church member not to drink the cool aid...
  4. GoTitans3801

    GoTitans3801 Forward Progress!

    Hoffa, totally right, I must have been typing too fast. I edited it. He's far too young to be Bud's nephew... hopefully.

    Karma, since you've clearly got a problem with Gut, why don't you just respond to my points about Nickey? Do you really have any reason for not thinking he should be on the team, or just because you've never seen him in the starting lineup you assume he's not doing anything to stay on it? Depth is important, so are special teams.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  5. karmarouge

    karmarouge Camp Fodder

    Yes i do have a great great problem with him being on the team as nothing more than a "special teams" player. We are not talking about a guy here who is a key play in any sense of the word. He doesnt return punts, he does not have a single punt blocked that i can remember, a fumble recovery, a forced fumble... (oh yeah i know he has one fumble recovered and thats the only one in his entire 7 year career with the titans to go along with one fumble lost) Only reason i know is because i actually wasted a few seconds of my time double checking one of the most irrelevant football players that ever made a titans squad ever.

    The man has been on the team with absolutely no special skill, no significant contribution to the team of any kind out side of the fact that he racks up tackles on special teams.
    Even the worst special teams player on any team could rack up those worthless stats on any team!

    There are a plethora of players on the street right now with far far better talent than him, far better speed and far more uses than Donnie Nickey. All of whom could have forced more fumbles, recovered more fumbles, or even tackled players deeper because of their speed.

    Dont insult my intelligence by making some obtuse argument that his sack of potatoes is worth crap! Actually a sack of potatoes is worth more than i would pay this guy to guard my turds.

    There is no other team in the whole league that would hire him if he were cut tomorrow and the only reason he is on the team is because of some funny and probably un-natural relationship he has with jeff fisher.

    He only happens to be fortunate enough to be on a team with a dumb old owner who thinks the team starts and stops at the QB position. The only owner stupid enough to pay a running back like Chris henry for doing nothing other than sitting on the bench for two freaking years, yet its obvious to the whole world chris henry couldnt find a hole with tiger woods shinning a fl flash light and putting up road signs pointing right at it..(some will get that one some wont).. He just happens to be lucky enough to be on team run by an owner so stupid he would pay a back up 3rd string QB who had absolutely no chance in hell of stepping on the field!

    I know there are plenty of donnie nickey kissers on this forum. Please feel free to defend that fraudulent freakin career of his, but bro, find some football noob who doesnt understand a lick of football to sell that garbage to.

    I pride myself in understanding the basic dynamics of a football team well enough to know that if owned that team, donnie nickey would be selling hot dogs in the stands!

    Ps.. Emphasis added to strongly indicate to you that i am not really the guy you sell bool sheet to! Find some one else to waste your time praising some less than mediocre coache's pet because there is nothing in the world you can do or say to make me believe donnie nickey is worth crap to the team.. (but some how, i know you will ignore it:rolleyes:..)

    you gotta be kiddin me... one freakin fumble in 7 years!!!! my grandma coulda done that in 3 years!!! She would have fumbled it right back but it still woulda showed up on the stat sheet just like Donnie nickey)

    only on the F#$king titans forum!!! only here!!! FReakin donnie nickey?
    • High Five High Five x 1
  6. karmarouge

    karmarouge Camp Fodder

    BTW my problem with Gut is not personal. I just cant waste my time debating a guy i know has absolutely no problem posting nonsense just for sake of making an argument or defending some one he is enamored with. It is disgusting for me to watch a grown man act like that towards another man, i dont care if they play for your team. A bit of objectivity goes a long way. I hate VY when he tries to be a pocket passer, i love it when he uses his other tools and plays a wildcat hybrid. I love CJ any where outside the redzone, i love LW inside the redzone but dont want him to carry any where else outside the redzone (unless its on 3rd and short).. See i hate jeff fisher, i cant stand the , i dont apologize for it i dont make excuses. I hate him. Now please if he were to go ahead and admit he loves jeff fisher, not matter how stupid the calls fisher makes, keeping collins in for 6 straight losses, firing the punt returner days before the season starts, forcing some rookie on the field to return punts and worse yet keeping him there after he fumbles twice in one game then a third time in the following game, losing the fumble and causing a score for the opponent. Tell us you love jeff fisher even after he keeps Mouton on the field to fumble for the 4 th consecutive time in two freaking games! Tell me you love that after he fails to blitz joey flacco, But dont come on here and diss Norv Turner for failing to make the same defensive adjustment and then expect me to take you seriously!

    That kind of hypocrisy, i cant stand....
  7. World Peace

    World Peace Nephew Gunner



    Okay so in football, there are really important players, and then there are players that guard the gatorade. Somebody has to be that dude. In a perfect world, we'd all get playing time, but other people are better left doing their role. So what if we got a guy who is basically background guy. He doesn't get in trouble, he's well liked in the locker room, he makes 750k and doesnt make mental mistakes on ST (Don't let me down donnie, pls). He does what he's asked to do. What about that Sack on Phillip Rivers in the San Diego game in 2007. Donnie Nickey layeth the smacketh down on Phillip Rivers Candy Bum.


    This is why I love this forum :)
  8. RollTide

    RollTide All-Pro

    I have never heard such a moronic reason for a coordinator to not want to take a job. WTF does greg williams care about that?

    Bud Adams owns the team! When he passes on he is leaving the team to his family. WTF is wrong with that? Is he supposed to give the team to someone else? A stranger?

    As for nepotism BULLCRAP!

    None of the top management and none of the coaching staff are related to bud Adams!

    Steve Underwood
    Mike Reinsfeld
    Jeff fisher
    Don MacLachlan

    Those are the top 4 guys in the company for football and non football operations. None related!

    None of the executive VPs running the business side of the company are related!

    Reese and Diamond were not related to Bud Adams!

    Greg Williams is a liar or an idiot!

    What this was really about is money and Williams instead of just admitting that Bud didn't pony up enough cash to bring him here makes up some stupidity. Why not just say that?
  9. RollTide

    RollTide All-Pro


    The constant rants about donnie nickey are getting old and retarded.

    To make the team Nickey has to beat out tuff harris. When do you think he will be going to the hall?
  10. RollTide

    RollTide All-Pro


    WTF is wrong with that he owns the team. 100% of the team!

    Bud adams is not some figure head owner who owns 2% this is his team so of course he will keep it in the family.

    His grandson will "run" the team as an owner not as General Manager. They will always have somebody like Underwood who actually runs the day to day operations of the company.

    What would change and why should we care?

    If you owned a business for 50 years would you just want to hand it over to strangers or loved ones?
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