For all the haters

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by TitansWillWin2, Sep 26, 2010.

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  1. RollTide

    RollTide All-Pro

    I think VY is a good QB and Fisher a good coach. 28-14 proves that.

    Why would throwing for a lot of yardage matter at all especially after watching that game? Did Manning's 300+ yards win the Giants the game?

    I don't agree with all the play calling and i would love for Vince to be more aggressive running the ball but i'm not going to complain about a win.
  2. Eddyc85

    Eddyc85 Go Bucks!

    No he definitely has not. But before you respond please learn some grammar and maybe stop using lame insults like "chump" and "get a life" neither of which make any sense.
  3. Riverman

    Riverman That may be.... Tip Jar Donor


    It isn't about "hate". It's about being a professional. I usually don't agree with PK- but he got this one right.

    Vince played "mistake-free" yesterday but the Giants GAVE us that game. There is no way we beat a disciplined team with that gameplan unless Vince is willing to tuck the ball and run it. I'm still not comfortable with Vince because I just don't believe he is as mentally skilled or tough as an NFL QB needs to be to go far.
  4. TitanJeff

    TitanJeff Kahuna Grande Staff

    I don't understand why some feel that the Giants implosion was only about the Giants. Finnegan made a play and Marks was hustling to get that pick. Manning was under a ton of pressure when he made the stupid decision to throw it with his left hand. Brown would have killed Manning on the play which he had one Giant OL grabbing his facemask while Bradshaw chopped him. The Titans forced Bradshaw to fumble.

    The Titans were a big reason the Giants had a meltdown. Just like the Steelers D got credit last week for a lot of the Titans blunders.
    • High Five High Five x 2
  5. TitansWillWin2

    TitansWillWin2 Pro Bowler

    Have you even watched vince young from when he first started to now? He is so much more accurate and has a really good deep ball!!!
  6. RollTide

    RollTide All-Pro


    Give one example of an overblown post. I don't see any. Where are they?

    I watched 2 games yesterday where the QB threw for a ton of yardage and his team lost. Kyle Orton and Eli Manning put up big numbers and only scored 13 and 10 points respectively. Is that what we want? Note that VY has a better winning % than either of those 2 guys..

    The QB rating is about efficiency not who throws for the most yards.
  7. costarica2

    costarica2 Banned forever

    Fish press conference he was like 'his a real pro' also CJ said I'm glad he bounce back or something like that.
    Also Jim watt is BS his the worst titans reporter.
    Some people rather lose just to get rid of VY and thats a no no.
  8. Riverman

    Riverman That may be.... Tip Jar Donor

    We played great D no doubt. But WE didn't make them commit so many personal fouls and other penalties. They did that. That is a measure of discipline and the Giants clearly weren't playing disciplined ball. No doubt our aggressive D was pushing them beyond their own self-control.

    The context of this thread is about Vince and from what I surmise how some people "hate" Vince regardless of how he performs or if we win. I point out that the Giants had A LOT to do with our victory rather than a stellar performance from Vince. QB's are expected NOT to turn the ball over, which is exactly what Vince was able to do. I just am not comfortable heaping praise on what was a pretty average (and expected) QB performance- particularly when some posters reference the victory as a measure of the quality of Vince.

    In short- I'm pleased that Vince didn't turn the ball over and connected on a TD pass and even more pleased that we won the game. But let's not blind ourselves that there are still significant issues present with his professionalism.
  9. Riverman

    Riverman That may be.... Tip Jar Donor


  10. Obie09

    Obie09 Pro Bowler

    There are many Titans fans that I'm pretty sure are happy when we lose because VY will get a loss. It's not really far fetched at all..
    • High Five High Five x 1
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