Fisher # 3 in Best Coaches list

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by avvie, Sep 5, 2010.

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  1. Eddyc85

    Eddyc85 Go Bucks!

    Gruden's post season record 5-4

    Fisher's post season record 5-6

    And I don't even want Gruden.
  2. The Playmaker

    The Playmaker pineapple pizza party

    Are you trying to make the point that we need a new coach? That doesn't seem like a stat for a coach who has been with us for 16 years would have.

    JCBRAVE goTitans 2019 Survivor Champion

    Unless Gruden went to the Colts, Patriots, Saints, or any other QB driven team, he'd fail miserably. Gruden in Tennessee would not be pretty. He may get real fancy with using Vince Young, but he'd also destroy the rest of the team in the process. I like Fisher, but hate that we don't have 1-3 titles at this point. Every 13-3 season this team has posted, we were by far the best football team in the league, and could have won it all. I'll give Fisher his 2 years he's due on his contact. If nothing by then, see ya.
  4. avvie

    avvie It's another cold day in Hell Tip Jar Donor

    Again, using stats on this sport is an exercise in futility. However, we can look at game management, roster maintenance and team adjustments and get a pretty good idea of what's going on.
  5. karmarouge

    karmarouge Camp Fodder


    So other titans fans should be comfortable with 8th best? That may be your comfort zone, but I like so many others want to actually win the championship.

    I am not content to be 8th. And none of us are dumb because we are tired of a coach who will never win a championship.

    Did the ravens win their superbowl with an "elite" QB? How about the tampa bay Bucs? Are Eli Manning's numbers that much better than Steve Mcnair's?
  6. GoTitans3801

    GoTitans3801 Forward Progress!

    Fisher sure doesn't produce sub-.500 records very often. .500 records, sure, but below that? Three in the last 14 years... compare that to the Texans, Raiders, Lions, Bills, Browns, Rams, Chiefs, Seahawks, Jags, Cardinals, Bears, 49ers, Bengals, Saints, Bucs... do I have to go on?
  7. GoTitans3801

    GoTitans3801 Forward Progress!


    Wow, a few days after going on rant after rant after rant about other posters not understanding the basics of football, you post this drivel?

    I'm perfectly fine with people criticizing Fisher. Since he hasn't won us a Superbowl, or at least gotten us a lot closer a few more times, he deserves it. I also agree that he's probably not the third best coach in the league. I'd maintain that he's still in the top ten, but that's not the point here...

    Your examples are awful, absolutely awful...

    1. Keeping Collins in for the 6 game losing streak- Ok, where should we have changed him out? The ONLY reasonable point is after the three losses, and that's still not a clear point. After the first two losses, the team was still on track. In fact, all of the first three games could have swung the other way with a single play, and none of them could be blamed on Collins more than several other factors. If you really want to question that logic, I can go into it more in depth, but hopefully, you don't require that much explanation. The real problem is the fourth game, against Jacksonville. We came out totally flat, and looked terrible all around. I put that game on Fisher almost entirely, but certainly not because he started Collins. Young wasn't going to score 40 points for us. Keep in mind that at that point Young hadn't started for over a year, and we couldn't predict that he'd come out of the gate as hot as he ended up doing after the bye. Quite frankly, I think it was more likely that he played well after the bye in part because of the low pressure and expectations. We couldn't have gotten worse, right? Anyway, after that game, what difference would starting Young have made for the Pats or Colts games? While Collins wasn't good in either, he certainly didn't cause those blowouts by himself. Also note that Young lost both of the games that he started against the two strongest teams that we played the rest of the year. We had major problems last season, and Fisher deserves his share of the blame, but the QB decision is a ridiculous thing to pin on him.

    2. Getting rid of Carr/the return game- Really? First, that's a GM decision, so it should be on Reinfelt more than Fisher. Second, Carr publicly stated that he wanted to leave because he didn't want to just be a return man, he wanted to start at CB. We didn't just let him leave, and money wasn't a factor. We never had a shot at keeping Carr. His replacements were bad, and didn't get it done, but the degree to which they screwed up wasn't something any of us saw coming.

    3. Waiving Blount/Nickey- Really? You're worried about our 3rd string running back? Did he look any different from Gado in the preseason? If we get down to our third RB, we're having other major problems. I understand that a lot of people don't like Nickey, but I don't think anyone is or should be concerned with his contract. The dude's making little more than the minimum, which isn't a factor. Oh yeah, once again, contract issues are a GM thing, not a coaching issue.

    If you have such low expectations of Fisher (that he's a complete idiot), then you should be blown away by his results. We came back from 0-6 last season, and the year before we had the number 1 seed in the AFC. Heck, someone like you with such low expectations should be impressed, if a coach that stupid can get those results.

    Maybe you should quit blowing up so much about other people's knowledge of football.
  8. World Peace

    World Peace Nephew Gunner

    You can go on, but I've put in the Bold all of the teams who have been to the superbowl since the Titans last went.
  9. GoT

    GoT Strength and Honor

    good point, but the point of Titans being competitive on an almost yearly basis should not be overlooked. And on occasion not only are the Titans competitive but dominante.

    Still Fishers Schottenheimer impersonation every Janurary is getting old.
  10. RollTide

    RollTide All-Pro

    Duece gloat and the epitome of genius..

    Jeff Fisher 55% winning percentage sucks.

    Replace him with Greg Williams 35% winning %.


    And karmarouge who thinks that having the 8th best record out of 32 teams sucks.

    Why argue with people who can't make a coherent point?

    And i never argued that it was impossible to win a title without an elite QB but certainly less likely. Fisher only had an elite type QB maybe 5 of his 16 years.
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