FIRE MUNCHAK (ongoing)

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by Astrophysics, Nov 10, 2013.

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  1. Alzarius

    Alzarius Pro Bowler Tip Jar Donor

    I understand that, so why the change?

    9-7, to 2-6. Why?

    I understand everything you are saying here. The first question is what I am curious about now.
  2. SlidePiece

    SlidePiece Starter

    Yes! If the defense plays poorly it ultimately falls to the HC. Munch has a big hand in Brown and Gray being on the team, he is the boss. He could actually step in if he doesn't like what Gray has been doing, he is supposed to know how to correct Brown's play if he is doing something wrong. I do not believe he does that, nor do I really believe he has the ability to do that.

    It doesn't matter if we give him credit for a few games or not, if we lose, it's on him. If we win that's to his credit. That's why the HC position exists.
  3. SlidePiece

    SlidePiece Starter

    I'm not clear on what you're asking...
  4. Alzarius

    Alzarius Pro Bowler Tip Jar Donor

    I agree

    What changed? Coaching got better, or Cam Newton caught on fire?

    One of the valid criticisms of Munch imo, took him way too long to replace Reynaud, but he did end up doing it.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  5. Dman

    Dman Pro Bowler

    I can't really tell you much on this since I don't watch the panthers every game, I don't know what adjustments they made. I think this goes back to the job description of a coach taking too much blame and praise.
  6. SlidePiece

    SlidePiece Starter

    I think there's much more to being a HC than benching bad players. That seems to be the thing Munch gets most of his credit for.
  7. Alzarius

    Alzarius Pro Bowler Tip Jar Donor


    Why have the Giants dropped off so much, if it isnt the coaching and they didnt lose many players

    Who they lost.

    What I am asking is that when you look at an organization like the Giants, with a coach who has had the success that TC has, do you look at them and say "damn, coaching must be sucking now" or "damn, players are not playing up to the way they have in the pats"
  8. SlidePiece

    SlidePiece Starter

    I don't know the ins and outs of that organization. Things out of the norm can happen to good coaches at the end of their tenure/career, i.e. Jeff Fisher being tuned out by the players in his 17th year. There's likely reasons for it that have nothing to do with what's going on here with regards to Mike Munchak.

    My turn for questions....

    1.) What is your take on the responsibility/job of the HC?
    2.) Why are you in agreement with Munch leaving?
  9. Roscoes Wetsuit

    Roscoes Wetsuit Pro Bowler

    I figured by now I would of calmed down. But, nope!

    Dear Munch...
    • High Five High Five x 2
  10. The Playmaker

    The Playmaker pineapple pizza party

    David Shaw is already at his dream job in Stanford, doesn't seem like an NFL kind of guy anyway. Kinda like Saban, needs control over the team to be successful. If we're looking in the college game then Kevin Sumlin may be the guy. Almost left last year and would bet a move would be a little more enticing since he's losing Manziel after this year. Great offensive mind but no NFL experience worries me a bit. A guy that I've always liked is Steve Sarkisian, he doesn't get mentioned a lot but has been somewhat successful in Washington and has some NFL experience.

    I would try for Lovie Smith, defense would immediately improve and he can draft whichever QB he wants in the next draft. If he can find a good OC (bigger challenge for him when looking back to his CHI days) then we'll start winning again. If we're looking at top assistants then one of these guys:

    Greg Roman: OC for SF. Almost a HC last year but name continues to grow. Even though there are now mixed feelings about him in SF he's still a top name.

    Matt Patricia: DC for NE. Calling plays since 09 and has probably learned a lot under Belichick. Knows the offensive side of the ball as well, maybe ready for a HC job?

    Adam Gase: OC for Broncos. Apparently Manning loves the guy and that's about good enough for me.
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