FA wishlist

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by Big Time Titan, Jul 19, 2011.

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  1. xpmar9x

    xpmar9x The Real Slim Shady

    I don't see it happening either. With two hall of fame OLs on the coaching staff, I see them wanting alot of "internal growth". But hey, a man can dream for some Harvey Dahl!
  2. dtm586

    dtm586 The Master Jedi

    Hassleback was on my list go good sign there!

    Priority # 1 - SIGN CJ i mean this isnt even a question... whats taking so long?! Pay the man as the top running back in the league! Pull out that pen and start writing 0's until CJ says stop!

    Priority # 2 - Sidney Rice ... this is the least name on this list I can see happening. I havent heard one single rumor that the Titans are even interested and we all know if theres a bidding war of any kind (which their should) since Rice is the best available WR left considering Holmes was just locked up to a 5-year deal than that will send Tennessee running from the hills ... regardless this is my one "fantasy situation" hed be the automatic #1 with Britt as a #2 or even a insurance for Britt and move Washington back into the slot role

    Priority # 3 - Marion Barber ... im thinking realistically here and not nesscarily just big names (this is the titans management were talking about here) and Barber fills a need. A big bruising back to spell CJ so CJ isnt ran into the ground every year. A Len Dale White 2.0 type back who wont fall down for anybody (put him in the closer role that Parcells had him in 07-09 4th quarter running back)

    Prioity # 4 - Zach Miller (oak) ... Munch has already said Cook is in line for a expanded role this year but hes not proven and Miller definitly is! Miller would no doubt stretch the field for Hasselbeck down the middle leaving our WR's open ... we all know how the Titans love the tight ends and those quick passes over the middle to a TE as a safety blanket - Miller would be a GREAT FIT

    im hearing Hope is going to be cut so whoever we can grab as a safety or corner would be great!

    Jonathan Joseph CB from Cincy i thought was a free agent but as Rice above, I doubt the Titans touch that either
  3. Big Time Titan

    Big Time Titan Big Time Titan

    I'd like Sidney Rice too but with his coming off that hip injury and the type of money he'll be wanting I'd have to say no. I don't think that Kenny will be suspended for more than 2 games if any at all so we might need to go after a #1 WR. I'd like to see us consider bringing Randy Moss back.

    Zach Miller would be awesome. Him and Cook could open things up for the WRs and the WRs could open things up for CJ. We could have a very potent offense.
  4. xpmar9x

    xpmar9x The Real Slim Shady

    Basically the same thing you put in the other thread, so i'll respond again.

    #1 - The only thing I agree with. Yes, we need to lock up CJ.

    #2 - No. It's not going to happen, quit day dreaming. Rice is overrated, he's had one good season, and it was Favres miracle season. Every other season he's either A: been hurt or B: sucked. 63 catches, 817 yards, 10 TDs, 13 missed games due to injury in 3 seasons (if you take away his miracle Favre 2009 season). Don't get me wrong: I think Rice is a good WR, but he's about to get paid elite money by Hawx or the Vikes. It's not worth even getting in the bidding war for Rice. FO shouldn't even waste their time on him, because it's not going to happen.

    #3 - Ehh. To stat off, people need to quit calling Marion Barber a big back. Yes, he plays like a "big back" but he's 5'11 215. We drafted Jamie Harper to be our "big back", who is +15/20 lbs than Marion. I'm not completely again bringing in Barber, at a decent price.

    #4 - No. Jared Cook and Craig Stevens. We have two 3rd round TEs, that have been stuck behind Bo Scaife. Now they can finally get some starting time. Stevens played good last year as a #2 blocking TE, and Cook stepped up big in the last couple weeks. 12 catches, 154 yards, 1 TD in the last two weeks of the season when he was starting. We don't need to tie up money on Miller when we have two high potential guys.

    Are most important things now are: Fix the OG/C problems, SS, and Front 7 depth.
  5. Big Time Titan

    Big Time Titan Big Time Titan

    Fa sho! Easier said than done but he let's see what our FO is made of.
  6. TitanAtl

    TitanAtl Starter

    We need a top of the line DT that we should have drafted in Nick Fairley but I don't know who all is available as free agents at DT.
    • Bullsh*t Bullsh*t x 1
  7. Childress79

    Childress79 Loungefly ®

    DT: Cullen(Packers) or Cofield(Giants)

    S: Weddle(Chargers) or Landry(Ravens)

    C:Spencer (Seattle) might be worthwhile have been with Hasselbeck for so long.
  8. Chapparal97

    Chapparal97 Grumpy Old Fart

    Harvey Dahl, Malcolm Floyd, Nick Barnett and Weddle.

    Just my wish list.
  9. Kaeotik

    Kaeotik Pro Bowler

    Interesting thought on Spencer, but we could bring back Leroy Harris pretty cheap and put him @ Center. I know the Titans and him have already been talking about a deal. He played well @ Ceneter in the playoff game against the Ravens. Had he played any better in that game the Ravens would have twisted his foot until his ankle popped at the bottom of the pile.
  10. Big Time Titan

    Big Time Titan Big Time Titan

    Cofield is a Redskin now and Weddle is gonna be a Jag. I don't know enough about Jenkins to say yay or nay.
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