Expectations next 2 weeks

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by dtm586, Dec 9, 2016.

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  1. Roscoes Wetsuit

    Roscoes Wetsuit Pro Bowler

    Same here man. I was expecting a loss.

    I feel slightly better about playing KC next week now.
    • Cheers Cheers x 2
  2. Titanup1982

    Titanup1982 All-Pro

    Had a feeling we would win today. Next week will definitely be tougher. Maybe we should dial up Ken Whisenhunt for the week, since he knows how to win in KC.
    • LOL LOL x 1
  3. GrayGhost1951

    GrayGhost1951 Starter

    We were favored by one....why is everyone thinking we performed some miracle?
  4. JettJett

    JettJett Starter

    I was wondering if we would cover that. It was a good time for them to run it. They needed a spark as their standard play wasn't doing it.
  5. madeupdreams

    madeupdreams Starter

    You realize the betting line isn't about who is favored to win the game, right?
  6. GrayGhost1951

    GrayGhost1951 Starter

    It's not?......lmao
  7. JettJett

    JettJett Starter


    By 9???? think would think they would be. May be a few points would be to even out the bets but 9???
    OK for you - Texans giving 4.5 ( apparently not favored)...anyway hope they lose.
    - Indy plus 4...hope they lose too.
  8. RealestWhiteBoy

    RealestWhiteBoy World Champion

    They are to an extent, but not fully. It's more about creating a house edge of 5% for the casino. The reason the betting line is constantly changing is to try to convince more people to bet the opposite of whatever way money has been coming in on the game. The ultimate goal of every casino is to get exactly 50% of the money bet on the winner and exactly 50% of the money bet on the loser. The reason being is that they don't pay even money on the bets against the point spread ... they usually pay someone around 90% of the wager.

    So, if there was $1000 bet and they can manipulate the pointspread to get $500 on each side, then the result is the win $500 from the money wagered on the loser and pay $450 to those who bet on the winner. So, they made $50 (5%).

    If they can get the money to come in exactly 50/50 on every game, then they will consistently net 5% profit on every bet. The only way for the casino to actually lose money on a bet is if more than 52.6% of the wager is bet on the winning team, typically.
    • Cheers Cheers x 1
  9. madeupdreams

    madeupdreams Starter

    The spread is about bringing in the bets the bookmakers want. -1 one is nothing especially considering the home team usually gives 3 anyway. The game from a perspective of "who should win" was basically a pick'em, but that has nothing to do with how important this win was for the organization.

    No, it wasn't a miracle but it was a damn good win that the fans on this forum have every right to be excited about.

    And @JettJett, I'm obviously speaking of today's game based on the post I quoted.
  10. Roscoes Wetsuit

    Roscoes Wetsuit Pro Bowler

    I don't give a **** about what the vegas odds are.

    This secondary has been historically bad. That's why I haven't expected victories in a passing league.
    • High Five High Five x 1
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