Expectations next 2 weeks

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by dtm586, Dec 9, 2016.

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  1. GrayGhost1951

    GrayGhost1951 Starter

    Really? So Ware and Miller have little to do with the success of the Broncos pass defense...that your statement? They would still be elite without them, because they have a good secondary? Very good teams have a good NT and DT's that can play the run, allowing edge rushers like them to attack the QB. Football 101. We were supposed to get that in Dodd, but it fizzled. The Broncos lead the league in sacks with 36, so they are getting to the QB and causing pressure when they don't. We have 30 sacks, but we are hit and miss. The completion rate against them is below 60%, which means QB's are trying to throw on the run to avoid sacks. They have more INT's (12) than TD's (10) allowed, we have 21 TD's versus 11 INT's, so we are not getting the pressure we need. We have the run part down, but we don't have the edge rushers like they do. Of course we need upgrades at DB, but it would help a great deal if Dodd had been what we drafted him to do, and Johnson also. Getting a big push up the middle is very helpful in containment. With the edges set, all a QB can do is step up in the pocket, but if the push is there he can't, so it's sack time or a rushed throw. As Mularkey would say, complimentary football.
  2. RealestWhiteBoy

    RealestWhiteBoy World Champion

    Maybe if I was still playing Madden 16 ... I'm not that good at Madden 17. lol
    • LOL LOL x 1
  3. Ontario Titan

    Ontario Titan Pro Bowler

    I didn't look into the game that much, didn't realize it was Lynch against the Jags.
    I agree, it falls on the offense but I think we can stay with them. Luckily we did address the OL, Mariota is going to need them against Von Miller.
    Dodd has been a big disappointment for sure.
  4. altitan

    altitan Pro Bowler

    1-1, win today , lose to KC
  5. Rwill

    Rwill Pro Bowler

    Drag routes and do not use the acceleration trigger on runs until past the line of scrimmage.
    • Bullsh*t Bullsh*t x 1
  6. RealestWhiteBoy

    RealestWhiteBoy World Champion

    Crossing routes and power run is my specialty, my skill level has just fallen way off this season. lol I was top 2% in the world on Xbox on Madden 16. :(
  7. ncaalover12

    ncaalover12 Starter

    So glad I was wrong. Holy **** what a gutty way to finish out the game, despite some struggles in the second half. Amazing plays on special teams and by our D at the end.
    • High Five High Five x 2
    • Cheers Cheers x 1
    • Hit the Target Hit the Target x 1
  8. RealestWhiteBoy

    RealestWhiteBoy World Champion

    Can't believe how flat our offense was after the 1st drive of the 3rd quarter. But our D stepped up big time today, and our kicking team did, too. That punt at the end was a thing of beauty!
    • High Five High Five x 1
  9. JettJett

    JettJett Starter

    early line -K C by 9
  10. Titanup1982

    Titanup1982 All-Pro

    We win the game easily if they didn't convert that 4th down fake punt.
    • High Five High Five x 2
    • Hit the Target Hit the Target x 1
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