Eagles Fire Chip Kelly

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by VondyP, Dec 29, 2015.

  1. Only as an OC

  2. Only as an HC

  3. As both HC and GM

  4. Nope

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  1. Hormesis

    Hormesis Pro Bowler

    Just a little bored after 50 plus pages of back and forth. I can't wait til Monday. RW better be canned.
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  2. Gut

    Gut Pro Bowler

    I didn't realize giving an opinion without any reason for the opinion was 'proof.' The media can't take a fraud with nothing and turn him into an NFL coach who then turns a 4-12 team coached by a pretty good coach into back to back 10 win teams. So how was he a fraud? Was Pat Shurmur suddenly an offensive guru?
  3. Dee

    Dee Pro Bowler

    @The Hammer talking out his ass... Once again.
  4. Gut

    Gut Pro Bowler

    More of a traditionalist? The guy who half invented a radical new defense...? And then adjusted said defense radically to allow one of his best players to dominate and free style? That kind of traditionalist? The only thing that's traditional about LeBeau are the fundamentals!
    • Hit the Target Hit the Target x 2
  5. Gut

    Gut Pro Bowler

    There are almost no teams that run such a multiple offense as the Patriots - which is why McDaniels is such a good OC. They can go into a game and pound the ball like they are a team that only runs or Brady can air it out 60 times - leaving you wondering if they even have a rb.

    Comparing that style to any other offense in the league doesn't work. Kelly, like virtually every other team not named the Pats, runs a specific system. He couldn't change the entire system and personel for Murray. It was a bad free agent aquisition and it hurt them badly. On the other hand, while Murray was avging 3.5ypc, Matthews was churning out a 5+ypc. But an immobile QB nullified the defenses threat of a qb run which takes quite a bit away from the advantage of a zoner read oriented offense. Combine that with no breakway back and no Maclin or DeSean, and you have an offense without much in the way of weapons. I don't care what system you have, you can't win without any players.

    As for his defenses getting worse?

    In 2012...they gave up...
    343.2 yards per game and 27.8 points per game

    In 2013 under Chip...
    394 yards per game but 23.9 points per game

    In 2014 under Chip...
    375.6 yards per game and 25 points per game

    In 2015 under Chip...
    394.9 yards per game and 26.7 points per game

    Contextually, given that Chip runs a high temp offense, you'd expect the yards per game to go up for his defense who will be on the field longer. But ultimately it comes down to points and Chip's defenses allowed fewer points during his tenure per game than when he took over. So how is his defense worse? In some areas, yes. But ultimately, by points, his defenses were improvements though this is not saying much. Just a correction of a misconception.
  6. Gut

    Gut Pro Bowler

    I've read thru about 10 pages of this thread and can't bring myself to read the other 48.

    Chip is an innovative coach. With innovation there are good and bad things. Innovators tend to be purists to their creation. You have so many people telling you it can't work that you figure out how to make it work and make it work well. Think Bill Walsh and his West Coast offense. Think Mouse Davis and the Run and Shoot. And now Chip Kelly and his Zone Read offense (for lack of a better title). But that tends to lead to a bit of a dictatorship as a coach. One can argue the merits of both sides.

    Some people in these 58 pages don't believe in reality. Saying things like his offense can't work in the NFL is silly. it already HAS worked in the NFL...multiple times. And to suggest that it took 3 seasons for NFL coaches to figure it out is as silly as me saying the sky is blue because I painted it that way. There are YEARS of college game tape of both this offense AND of what teams did to it to stop it. You think NFL defensive coordinators don't look at tape? There is a much more simple reason for the 'demise' of Kelly's offense this year. No Shady, DeSean or Maclin. An immobile QB with injury problems. The Zone Read starts with a strong run game but when you take away the other playmakers to make the defense respect the outside run game or the passing game, you take away the innate advantages of the system. This was Chips greatest failure...as a GM/personel guy.

    Calling him a dictator is funny. Most great coaches are dictators. Walsh, Parcells, Belicheck, Coughlin, etc. Notice that this works...when you win. So much so that someone was actually saying Belicheck is a player's coach? LOL He's a players coach with his Hall of Fame QB. Parcells was once asked if he treated all his players the same (in his Giants days). He said yes. But then they pointed out that he treated LT differently. He basically elborated that he treated everyone the same...except his star players. But even those guys he'd get on them. Phil Simms talks a lot about how much he and Parcells used to get into it. But the great thing about Parcells was that he knew how to push each of their buttons. The stars that is. To the rest...he was a dictator no one minded...when they were winning!

    I remember hearing this with the Knicks several times and those of us old enough laugh at the cyclical nature. One coach gets fired because he's too soft and undisciplined (read a players coach but they didn't win so he was too lax and the players were too soft). He gets fired and they bring in a real disciplinarian. After a couple of years of not winning...he's a dictator and his practices are too hard and he's too tough and blah blah blah. We need a Player's coach.

    People will complain either way when you lose. When you're Belicheck and keep winning and winning and winning...very few of the dictator rumblings make it to the surface. But I remember a quite few years ago there was a hubub about Belicheck and concussions. Basically, he wouldn't tell guys with concussions they had to practice, but the writing was on the wall...even for guys who had laid heart and soul on the line for him and the team for years. They were so afraid not to practice (talking ILB's taking hits) that they feared being CUT if they didn't practice. Sound like a Player's coach to you?

    Anyone who follows Urban Meyer's rise to fame and success should know that he certainly didn't do it by running a traditional system and working players as hard as other coaches. I think he said it when he got to Utah that he was gonna get them in the best condition of their lives and that they'd be on such a high level of conditioning...only a handful of other college teams could compete with them. Both run high tempo offenses and expect both their offense and defense to be in better condition to beat you. Hear anyone complaining about Urban Meyer being a dictator? Me either though I think Meyer has perfected the balance between dictator and player coach.

    Bottom line, Kelly's Eagles didn't work this year because of personel moves on offense and he never had the right QB to run his system. Pretty impressive he made it work for 2 years without the right QB. And people say he can't make adjustments? And yes, those personel moves are all his but no one is advocating giving him GM or personel control. Only options are as OC or HC (or both).

    I'm not saying Kelly is my first choice for HC but he's certainly on the list. And keep in mind, the list is not that long and there are other teams needing HC's too. We won't have our pick of anyone we want and we could (and have) done a lot worse than Kelly. Unfortunately, we need an organizational change...at the very least from GM down (and hopefully from CEO on down) before netting a new HC. I think Kelly is more likely only if a GM/HC combo can't be found. Say a Caserio(GM)/McDaniels (HC) type deal.
    • Boring Boring x 2
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  7. nytitaner

    nytitaner Starter

    Keep in mind that he got rid of those star players because he couldn't relate to them . The fact that he's willing to let proven pro bowl talent go out the door because he's unable to maintain order indicates a lack of leadership on his part. Lack of leadership or inability to command the ship would make me reluctant to hire him as HC. I think he would be better suited for OC right now at the NFL level.
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  8. Scarecrow

    Scarecrow All-Pro

    Eagles owner absolutely tore Chip apart when announcing her was fired. I've got a feeling Chip is disliked by more than just players.
  9. RTH

    RTH Meh...

    If he were young... I just don't see a guy like Lebeau wanting much of a challenge these days. Hard enough to get the defense up to decent standards, I'm sure.
  10. TitanJeff

    TitanJeff Kahuna Grande Staff

    With superior talent, just about any offense can have success.

    Whiz would still be here if the Titans had the talent to run his plays as designed.

    The great coaches adjust to the strengths of their players which is why both Whiz and Kelly are sleeping in this morning.
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