Do Overzealous Advertising Campaigns Make You Reconsider Your Consumer Habits?

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by World Peace, Jul 15, 2009.

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  1. World Peace

    World Peace Nephew Gunner

    I love a good commercial. A good commercial gets your attention, explains the specifics of the product, and introduces you to the company.

    I think its general consensus that some company's do an overall good job at commercials. IMO, Geico has pretty good commercials, yet their car insurance is much more than what I pay now.

    A few commericials that rub me the wrong way are:

    Spaghetti Jimmy - Capitol One

    First and formost, Kids absorb what they see on TV. When you put a kid on TV with spaghetti on his head, I can see millions of kids in America doing that and millions of parents that are not nearly as amused Spaghetti Jimmy's Mommy. The last thing I'd ever do is put this moment on my credit card and present this to someone as payment. What would someone say? Oh gee, your kid is well behaved! You must be a good parent.

    Because of this commercial, I decided to not get a Credit Card with Capitol One.

    But it goes on:


    Visigoths playing baseball? I know whats NOT in my wallet. Seriously? I'd rather spend my money with Wilford Brimley. If honesty isn't oozing out of this man, then I might as well never post on this board again.

    <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

    When you have visigoths and children behaving badly representing your company, you paint a picture of desperation to me. To me, its much like the really cute, but desperate person that tries to do anything to get your attention. Sure, they may be attractive, but the desperation and obsessive passive aggressiveness of that person rubs you the wrong way and you eventually turn the other way.

    Do you guys have any examples of overzealous advertising campaigns that you'd like to see end immediately?? I can name a few more.

    I just recently got Directv (For the Ticket) and I must say, I dont know why I pay my monthly bill? The sheer amount of advertising that I have to see should compensate for my monthly bill.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  2. TBC_titan

    TBC_titan Camp Fodder

    Definitely the Safe Auto commercials. Only two of them can keep my attention (the one where the woman puts a coin in the juke box at the bar, and the one where they were playing rock band), and that's only because I'd nail either one of those women. But on the flipside, I'm sure that's the reason they put them in the commercials.

    Those, and basically any commercial that is over-utilizing sex to sell their product. To me that says, 'hey, our product licks taint so we have to resort to sex marketing to get people to buy our 'brown toilet floater' of a product.
    Axe/Tag spray commercials are a good example. Honestly, regardless of how good what you spray on smells, unless you're loaded, and very good looking, and a known celebrity, women are NOT going to flock around you wanting to get close to you. GRRR!
  3. Laserjock

    Laserjock South Endzone Rocks! Staff

    I find the Viagra/Cialis commercials to be very irritating. The one where the studio musicians started jamming the jingle I thought was ridiculous. Also, they always show the couple sitting separately in bathtubs...whats up with that?
    • High Five High Five x 1
  4. World Peace

    World Peace Nephew Gunner

    I agree but I'd like to take this to another level. I don't wanna get too political, but if I want to know about a prescription, I want my Doctor to tell me about this medicine, not a propaganda ridden commercial. Next time I hear, "Ask your doctor about..." I might just have to turn off the tv. I don't want to ask my doctor, I want my doctor to give me what he feels is based on his recommendation. But if its Diabeetus Testing Supplies from Liberty Medical. Win!
  5. avvie

    avvie It's another cold day in Hell Tip Jar Donor

    I hate that commercial.... imagine my disappointment when I discovered the truth.

    I don't watch TV, but I did get exposed to that viral marketing campaign from Philips Body Shaver on the internet (get it?... exposed?... see, it's... oh, nevermind.) When it pointed out that the chinchilla in my pants was a bacteria forest, I changed my grooming habits drastically. And yes, they ladies do love it, even without the Axe spray.
  6. avvie

    avvie It's another cold day in Hell Tip Jar Donor

    Still, they're better than anyone I've jammed with on this island...
  7. TBC_titan

    TBC_titan Camp Fodder

    And the Sarlacc Monster* that's in womens' pants isn't a bacteria forest?

    Speaking of the forest down there, I hope that everyone realizes that this isn't the 70s anymore.

    *high five for anyone who knows what that's from
  8. World Peace

    World Peace Nephew Gunner

    Sarlacc in Star Wars? LOL.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  9. Hoffa

    Hoffa Freak you you freakin' freak

  10. World Peace

    World Peace Nephew Gunner

    I don't know about you guys, but here in Louisville, this guy's commercials take the cake.

    <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

    I really wish I could find the one of him becoming cyclops and burning buildings with his vision. None of his "good" commercials are online.
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