Derrick Mason anyone?

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by TheSureThing, Feb 19, 2010.

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  1. TheSureThing

    TheSureThing Straight Cash Homie

    we gave Matt Jones a look so that may mean were looking to add a receiver. Anyone else think we should go after mason? He's said he doesn't want to return to baltimore on a 1 year deal, and he'll go elsewhere if thats all they offer.
  2. titan_fan_4ever

    titan_fan_4ever Titans Rule

    really, thats sounds wierd. last i read he was thinking about retirment in an article that came out after the season ended. a one year deal seems to be what he is looking for from what i've read.

    idn though...the real 85 in two tone blue would be sick (although washington has his number now) but still 12 gage is not exactly a veteran starting receiver - just b/c he started for us a bit doenst make him much of anything. mason could teach these youngins a thing or two about elite play, precise route running, and longevity/consistency at the position.
  3. Riverman

    Riverman That may be.... Tip Jar Donor


    Mason? Maybe with a truckload of this:

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  4. Yossarian

    Yossarian I am Him.

    agreed, no need for a retread
  5. mcmojo

    mcmojo Starter

    Yeah, you guys are right. Who would want 80+ receptions, 1,000+ yards, and 5+ TD's a year from one of our receivers? I know I don't!
  6. TitansJonne

    TitansJonne OG triple OG

    Once you go Rat, you never go back.
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    JCBRAVE goTitans 2019 Survivor Champion

    The reason I liked Mason so much was because he was a receiver before anything else. Sure Kenny Britt and Justin Gage have great rang, but they use everything but their hands when catching passes. Mason is a natural receiver, and he's learned the nuances of the game to allow him to beat the man covering him. Mason doesn't rely on his size or speed for much as they aren't much, but he is tough like Cortland. Which creates all types of trouble for the opponent. I'd give up Gage or Washington if I could land Mason again. At 36 he's still good for 2-3 seasons and is still a viable deep threat. The next time Washington goes 40+ yards down field he might as well keep running til he hits Clarksville, because we know he wont catch that damn ball for anyone.
  8. GoTitans3801

    GoTitans3801 Forward Progress!

    He's making some strange requirements, who knows, it might just be a ploy to let him retire and blame it on someone else (the team).

    As for bringing him back, it's not going to happen after he got ugly against the team every time he came back in a Ravens jersey. There's a way to come back and play your old team, and there's a way not to do it. Mason did it the second way.
  9. eTitan81

    eTitan81 Touchdown Titans

    a two year deal sounds good to me. he is still productive and if they can offer matt jones a two year deal then surely mason is worth a deal too.
  10. Big Time Titan

    Big Time Titan Big Time Titan

    I love D-Mase for all that he did for us as a Titan, but I say no. I'm with Jonne, once you got rat you can never come back.

    I'd rather sign TO if we're gonna bring in another WR, might as well make it interesting. VY, CJ, Bo, Cook, Nate, Kenny and TO. Sounds pretty potent to me. Mason not so much.
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