Corey Dillon to visit next week

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by Puck, Mar 31, 2007.

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  1. PhiSlammaJamma

    PhiSlammaJamma Critical Possession

    Dillon is actually a possible, though unlikely, HOF running back. He's lost a step. Looks a bit slow. But was willing to be in a dual back offense. I think it's an ok thing to sign him. As was said, he makes us better.

    But less we not forget, that Lendale was the near mvp of the rose bowl at a heavy weight. Too much is being made of it. This is Lendale. It's time we stop questioning the flaws we knew we drafted, and start focusing on their strengths. These guys had flaws, but they won football games inspite of them. They still do.

    Mack Brown
    "We quit bothering him. And we started supporting him. And after that time he was 29-2. What else can you say. He was #1 passing qb in efficiency. Sometimes the less you do the better it is."
  2. CRUDS

    CRUDS Moderator Staff

    No disrespect to those around here who think Michael Turner is the answer, but the impact of losing draft picks makes that aquisition totally preposterous. Alternately, Dillon's situation is ideal for the Titans. Originally from Cincy, I've been following The Bengals thru the good and bad watched Dillon and the damage he can do to opposing linemen. He lays them out on their arses. The guy is a beast [the total opposite of Chris Brown] who blasts right thru the line. Bring on Dillon and we keep our 1st and 3rd for help elsewhere!
  3. Gunny

    Gunny Shoutbox Fuhrer

    but he was still cut for salary reasons. He was under contract and was paid way too much for his production.

    However it is besides the point. The situation is similar to that of the Henry/White one.
  4. Vince10

    Vince10 Camp Fodder

    Dillon would be the perfect fit for our RB situation. Sign him up.
  5. Spinnaker

    Spinnaker Guest

    personally i want corey to be apart of our system he's be a tremendous asset
  6. A living legend. Staff

    Titans Interested in Dillon

    SUMMARY: Though he planned on retiring after this season, RB Cory Dillon is said to be visiting with the Titans this Wednesday. His agent said his client would postpone his retirement if the right situation could be found. "(Corey) is one of those guys that's saved his money, invested it extremely well and would not have to play any more for financial reasons," agent Steven Feldman said. "But he's also a guy who still loves the game of football. If it is the right situation he would play, and the Titans would appear to be the right situation. It's a great organization with a great coach. They have an exciting quarterback and a real need at running back. So it might make a lot of sense."

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  7. DCtitan49

    DCtitan49 Guest

    if we can get him for cheap then yea, but i dont think its the type of running back we really need. speed is what we lack right now, not a power type like dillon.
  8. RollTide

    RollTide All-Pro

    I could care less about style..

    As long as he can carry the rock. The fact we would have 2 big backs doesn't bother me at all, in fact i like it. We can always draft a guy like booker for a third down back but what we need is someone who can give us 4 yards a pop and how he gets that 4 yards is no concern of mine..
  9. Gunny

    Gunny Shoutbox Fuhrer

    I concur.

    If neither Dillon or White pan out (although Dillon will probably retire), Turner will be a Free Agent next season at this stage.
  10. TorontoTitanFan

    TorontoTitanFan Pro Bowler

    This seems to be as close to a consensus among goTitans board members as there has been all offseason.

    Bring him in.
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