Corey Dillon to visit next week

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by Puck, Mar 31, 2007.

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  1. SEC 330 BIPOLAR

    SEC 330 BIPOLAR jive turkey

    If Dillion signs might we expect Eddie George to surface in the news... with I don't know, a self inflicted gun shot wound? Is it just me or do George and Dillion seem to be rivals? They are in my mind for some reason. I'm sure it dates back to the old AFC Central... They were both making alot of noise at the same time... but Dillon can still market himself... here of all places... I know George loses sleep over the Tennessee situation. There is no way that doesn't haunt him. It would me. Not saying I'd blow my head off... but I never won a Heisman either.
  2. RyansTitans

    RyansTitans Guest

    Eddie loves us. I was listening to him call some preseason games and he'd always throw in the extra "oh when I was there" "back in my days as a titan" "yeah when I was here" and a buch of other things like that. I could see him getting mad at the Dillion signing if it happens.

    I hope we sign Eddie back at some point so he can officialy retire.
  3. SuperFreak90

    SuperFreak90 Starter

    I hope the Titans sign Corey Dillon, and trade a 3rd rounder for Darrell Jackson. because we do need a big time WR. Use our first two picks on D, and our 4th on a change of pace RB.
  4. Gene the PIG

    Gene the PIG I'm Winning The Future

    The only REAL solution here is to sign Dillon. He will make our team better than it is today. That's not debatable. Like others have said, I'd rather have Turner (he'd be awesome here,) but the present price tag is way too steep, IMO.

    It'd be a big gamble to pass on Corey, & hope that we can talk SD down in price for Turner's services while still outbidding the four or five other teams that want him!

    SIGN DILLON & move on! Draft a receiver.
  5. Jwill1919

    Jwill1919 Coach

    That's really surprising coming from the guy who insists we draft Ted Ginn with our first pick.

    On another note, I wonder what the Dolphins would take for a shot at Ricky Williams?
  6. theprizdfighter

    theprizdfighter Newb to the 19.5°

    This isn't really a con. If we sign him, which I hope we do, all we want him to do is help LenDale learn and add security for our run game until LenDale can hold it down himself. We have our long term solution, who ever we bring in is only going to be a short term solution.

    I've said this all along, but Dillon is the perfect guy to help LenDale.

    I hope this year when it's 3rd and inches or when we're on the goal line, that I see Dillon 5 yards behind Young.
  7. Puck

    Puck Pro Bowler

    who ?
    how you figure ?

    alot of people thought Chris Brown was the long-term solution
    so much so that we released Eddie

    and so far this offseason names like
    have come up

    why would we be in the hunt for a guy like Michael Turner if our long-term solution were already in place ?
  8. Gunny

    Gunny Shoutbox Fuhrer

    his draft status and the release of Henry

    Eddie was cut for pay reasons.

    We are also looking at Brown to be re-signed and Maurice Hicks. They suggest, along with Dillon, a back up role to LenDale.
  9. Puck

    Puck Pro Bowler

    we offered Eddie a deal
    Dallas' offer was only shades higher
  10. RyansTitans

    RyansTitans Guest

    alot of people dont wanna believe it but releasing eddie hurt the team in more ways then just one. we woulda won alot more games wth him
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