Can we ditch this run first mentality?

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by PRAY IV M3RCY, Sep 29, 2015.

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  1. Titans2004

    Titans2004 Pro Bowler

    I totally agree with gotitansgo that we need to pass to set up the run. In the 1st half of the 10 1st down runs only 3 of them went for more than 3 yds...that just doesn't cut it while 4 of our 7 1st down pass plays went for over 6 yds...I think we have the talent to have a really good short passing game. Mariota has a quick release...wright and douglas are best at getting open in short areas with their quickness rather than trying to blow by some CB deep. DGB is a physical beast...he needs to be thrown a quick screen and let him run over the CB or throw a jump ball deep to him...all of our TEs are decent at catching the ball...

    Our identity needs to be an up tempo short passing team. Spread the defense out to help our OL and RBs out when we do run.
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    JCBRAVE goTitans 2019 Survivor Champion

    New to the Titans this year? McCluster is a waste of time
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  3. Thaddeus43

    Thaddeus43 Sunshiner President

    Some weeks you think we run too much ... others you think we don't run enough.

    I like the balanced approach. Even if the run game isn't great, you have to stick with it. you have to remain balanced. When you get 1 dimensional, that is when teams pin their ears back and come after the QB.

    Maybe we aren't breaking big runs, but running the ball will still keep the D honest, and could very well be a reason why we have had success passing the ball in some instances.
  4. Titans2004

    Titans2004 Pro Bowler

    From the shotgun Mariota was 22/34 64% completion rate...from under center he was 5/10 50% rate with 2 of those completions being screen passes....from those stats it is clear that Mariota is best from the shotgun...this might be a combination of him seeing the field better or might be that our OL doesn't have to hold up quite as long as when he is taking a 5 or 7 step drop.

    JCBRAVE goTitans 2019 Survivor Champion

    Manning had this issue as well, Denver wanted him to play under center but he was looking lost, then they let him run his shotgun stuff and he improved..
  6. Titans2004

    Titans2004 Pro Bowler

    I liked the fact that we actually executed those screen passes has killed me for years who poor we have been in that area...always nice to see improvement. I have still been surprised that we haven't rolled the pocket more. Not once did we do this against the Colts. That is another way of helping out your OL although it does decrease your QB reads and that is something that Mariota seems to be doing well is going through his progressions. I also love the fact that he can stay focused with defenders moving all around him.
  7. Titanup1982

    Titanup1982 All-Pro

    How about we ditch the run altogether? That's the best solution.

    Seriously, I think we need to get one RB in the groove and keep feeding him, instead of this RBBC crap.

    It's like the CJ days. A run is a wasted down.

    Honestly, Andrews isn't that bad of a RB when he gets a full head of steam.
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    JCBRAVE goTitans 2019 Survivor Champion

    best of the bunch
  9. Old Oiler Fan

    Old Oiler Fan Starter

    Last game we ran first until we got behind and had to throw. It would be interesting to see if we ran first during the 1st quarter of the Cleveland game too. Can you look that up JCB?
  10. xpmar9x

    xpmar9x The Real Slim Shady

    I think we just need a RB that doesn't completely suck.
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