Can Taywan Taylor still be a factor?

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by PRAY IV M3RCY, May 3, 2019.

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  1. Gut

    Gut Pro Bowler

    So you have predetermined Brown is a superstar wr in year one with no limitations of his own...only held back by our QB? What other things do you know about how next season will end up?
    • Hit the Target Hit the Target x 1
  2. Jwill1919

    Jwill1919 Coach

    10 games bc our first rounders always miss time. It’s inevitable. I chose those numbers because anything more it’s #5 overall pick territory. We don’t/won’t throw enough and he’s 4th in line at best!

    I think Humphries is gonna put up close to 65/775/5tds
  3. Jwill1919

    Jwill1919 Coach

    Looks like GuT just wants to argue with everyone today
    • LOL LOL x 1
  4. Titanup1982

    Titanup1982 All-Pro

    I don't think JuJu would be anything special if someone like Jags or Bears drafted him. Not knocking him though. Got drafted to a team where he was placed in the best situation any WR could wish for.

    Davis could definitely be #1. I see Davis as being a special player when the time arises for him to be, but I can't see him consistently putting up big numbers week after week under this regime. Dude is special and I really hope we can get the most out of him.
    • Cheers Cheers x 1
  5. JR1980

    JR1980 Pro Bowler

    Yes. If he suffers, I’m sure that will have some to do with it. Mariota needs to be healthy and consistent. Even when he was healthy 2 years ago, he tossed a lame 13 TD’s. That’s with Walker and a healthy line. Naturally he will have to adjust to NFL defense etc, I get that, but to act like Mariota hasn’t had struggles with receivers is silly. No more excuses, the time is now for Marcus. This article falls in line with what I was saying to Jwill. You don’t draft a WR in round 2 that is a first round talent to ride the pine. Even DGB had his shot with no brain between his ears and much more raw.

    The Reason A.J. Brown Will Emerge As A Top Playmaker For The Titans Next Season
  6. Gut

    Gut Pro Bowler

    I think the “’s #5 pick territory” is not a good argument for his guessed production considering CD was hurt and missed quite a bit of time.

    Are you expecting Humphries to be our #2 wr with Brown only coming in on 3 wr sets? Do you think we are mostly gonna play a base offense and mainly only go 3 wide in 3rd and long?
  7. abc2330

    abc2330 Pro Bowler

    Bad QB= Bad receivers. They can't throw the ball to themselves. Is it not reasonable to think that a WR may not see their potential with a 24 TD/23 INT quarterback?
    • High Five High Five x 1
    • Boring Boring x 1
  8. steverife

    steverife Pro Bowler

    Where I differ from a lot of people here is that I think Brown could catch 50 for 600, yet have a very good season and be a difference maker. Consistently win his matchups, block well, catch what what is thrown to him, and make some big plays and he is a difference maker.

    I don't care about stats. I just want the team to play well and win.

    ...and if Brown happens to put up huge numbers, it is probably because something else went wrong (injuries, always playing from behind, etc)
    • Hit the Target Hit the Target x 1
  9. Alzarius

    Alzarius Pro Bowler Tip Jar Donor

    What about a 69 TD/42 INT quarterback?
    • Hit the Target Hit the Target x 1
  10. Gut

    Gut Pro Bowler

    You said yes, then back pedaled saying IF he struggles Mariota will be PART of the problem? So you think he'll be the perfect wr from Day 1 and any struggles won't be on him (learning playbook, adjusting to NFL speed, adjusting to press coverage, adjusting to playing on the outside, getting chemistry with Mariota, etc)? Or do you think he might have his own growing pains?

    Personally, I think it depends on how he's being used. He was predominantly a slot guy and almost always had free releases. Will he play slot and Humphries will play outside and be the #2 wr, or will Brown earn #2 and always be outside (with Humphries coming in as the slot in 3 wr sets)? If he's 3rd wr, he's not gonna have big time production unless we copy the Rams (which we SHOULD do) and live in a 3wr set.

    As for the article...the guys a bit all over the place. He might be the 3rd wr but still end up with 55+ catches for 900+ yards and 6+ TD's? If our playcalling and personel groupings are similar to last year...not a chance as he won't have enough targets as a #3 wr. At #2, we'd need a lot of things to go right to have a chance at this. If Brown is getting 900+yards, that probably means Mariota is hitting at least 3500yds and more likely 4k. Of course, the easiest way this could happen is if CD got hurt and Brown became our #1.

    But to put those numbers in context, he'd have to avg around 16 yards a carry and probably get around 100 targets. To put THAT into context, last year only CD had over 100 targets and the next closest was Taylor with 56, Sharpe with 47 and Johnnu with 31. In 2017, we had 2 wr's in the 80's and CD was 3rd with like 65 while Delanie had over 100. This is a more likely breakdown though I think we have better wr's than that group so hopefully the offense is even more productive and we get more throws, catches, yards, and points!!!

    I'm all for Brown having amazing production and winning ROTY, but lots of things will have to change and come together for us to put up big numbers like this. I think if Brown wins the #2 spot, he'll have a chance if he starts from day 1. But that should be his first goal.
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