Bulluck is a Giant

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by Titanium, Jul 24, 2010.

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  1. GoT

    GoT Strength and Honor

    I could play WLB for the Titans - all Bulluck did in the Titans scheme was get in position and then stand up. I bet he was not allowed beyond the LoS once a game.

    The way MBSGWB used Bulluck was criminal IMO. Biggest waste of talent in Titans history. Bulluck should have been blitzing half a dozen times a game if not more. He should have been utilized in an aggressive manner to take advantage of his size/speed combo - But MBSGWB had balls the size of peas and just left him to cover his fair share of nothing but grass 99% of the time.
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  2. GoT

    GoT Strength and Honor

    I liked BB as a player. BB jersey was the first Titan jersey I ever got. But he is wrong here. Fisher probably would not even be allowed to contact a player not under contract cause he could possibly say something that could affect the contract situation. Reinfeldt would not be talking to Bulluck directly for the same reasons. As for not contacting Bullucks agent well its not the first time Titans have let an injured vet go and it won't be the last.

    Nobody wants too do that, we ain't called the volunteer state for nothing. We could take Southern California easily. Bunch of tofu eating, tree hugging barefoot hippies have no chance at all.
  3. Big Time Titan

    Big Time Titan Big Time Titan


    1. Damn True.

    2. Pacman Jones .

    3. Very True.

    4. Amen to that. The sad part about that is it's all over. Keith Bulluck is now a NY Giant. We shoulda done a lot of things different like Kenny Chesney says.
  4. jessestylex

    jessestylex DeadGirlsCantSayNo

    Larry The Cable Guy?
  5. Gunny

    Gunny Shoutbox Fuhrer


  6. Alex1939

    Alex1939 Space Invaders Champion

    They didn't blow up there entire team. They didn't embarrassingly cut their biggest name player.

    I can't really think of anything that could be more relevant to your original statement.
  7. Gunny

    Gunny Shoutbox Fuhrer

    He knew this was coming since last season. He said so himself in 2009 before the season started.

    I guarantee you if he didn't do his knee and he left he wouldn't be talking about how we didn't call. But now that he is practically a gimp who took the ONLY offer anyone was going to give him, and even then probably will not play much he's on his high horse about loyalty.
  8. Gunny

    Gunny Shoutbox Fuhrer

    McNair was still with the team when we did the massive cut.

    You said no one has done what we did. Well they have. You are wrong, stop arguing the facts.
  9. Riverman

    Riverman That may be.... Tip Jar Donor

    You can't guarantee any such thing Gunny- that's ridiculous. And his comments were based on the Titans history (or reputation if you prefer) of cutting productive team leaders rather than pursuing a third contract. His comments weren't malicious at all.

    IMO you are sometimes too much of a company man Gunny. We don't handle our personnel departures as well we could or should. That's why this franchise has that reputation.
  10. Gunny

    Gunny Shoutbox Fuhrer

    We don't cut productive team leaders (aside from Mason, who was forced to be cut), we cut guys right at the point they no longer perform. Everyone who has left has proven this.

    It's not about company image, far from it. Bulluck is done. Everyone (aside from some here) knows this. We didn't call him? Big deal. We're not the first, nor the last team to do so.

    What exactly do you people want? Do you want to improve? Well Bulluck doesn't improve us, especially since he can barely run.
    Do you want us to hold on to our favourites until they decide to retire? To hold the team for ransom? Then stop crying about not signing free agents.
    • High Five High Five x 1
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