Bulluck is a Giant

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by Titanium, Jul 24, 2010.

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  1. jessestylex

    jessestylex DeadGirlsCantSayNo

    cant wait to see CJ rush right past his long arms.
  2. adamwinn51

    adamwinn51 Starter

    Roll Tide is exactly right here. KB's days were done here and we made the right choice. Could we be wrong, sure, but I think you are going to see the down side of his career. Could the Titans have handled it better . . . laid out the situation more clearly for Keith. Yes, but that is not usually has business is done or how negotiations work.

    On another note, I really don't know how he will work out at MLB. The traditional MLB role is not a role he plays or has ever played for the Titans. He isn't great at taking on and shedding blockers and I have never felt he was the most physical LB. He is great in coverage, he is fast, and can cover the field quickly. But the success he had in Tennessee was related to us using him and his strengths in the right way. As a MLB he could struggle a lot. And no way the Dude plays in the pro-bowl this year as an MLB.

    Wish the best KB and thanks for the memories!
    • High Five High Five x 4
  3. Titanic_Sub

    Titanic_Sub Pro Bowler

    KB's done, I like the move by the Titans, why waste money on the LB position on a 34 year old dude that just tore apart his knee, when we have a ton of potential at LB anyways. I was a huge Bulluck fan btw.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  4. iQon

    iQon Starter

    :rolleyes: Good ole Titans.

    We wouldn't have kept him if he paid Bud Adams to stay. I wonder if we'll ever start taking care of the vets that helped make this team.
  5. Smash

    Smash 2017 Survivor Winner

    Besides Odom and partly McNair and Kearse, which players did well after Titans let them go?
    Had KB not wrecked his knee, we would still be a Titan. Besides, he's not even a lock to make the Giants roster, it would cost them about nothing to dump him.
  6. Hoffa

    Hoffa Freak you you freakin' freak

    The point is to win the games, not "take care" of vets...
    ..If they"re vets, then they've already been taken care of...
    • High Five High Five x 3
  7. World Peace

    World Peace Nephew Gunner

    Bulluck will do fine in NYC. Thats where he wanted to be. Much luck to him, unless he's playing us.
    • High Five High Five x 2
  8. Big Time Titan

    Big Time Titan Big Time Titan

    Yep, when we face NYG this year, it'll be on like Donkey Kong.
  9. Gunny

    Gunny Shoutbox Fuhrer

    People really need to get over the look after vets thing. Do you want to win or just hold on to player for sentimental value?

    Players don't care too much when dollar is better from another team. Loyalty is only as good as the dollar value.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  10. RollTide

    RollTide All-Pro


    Fair enough but he tore his knee up in december and it took until late july just to get a team to want to sign him with that knee.

    No way he makes the pro bowl.

    NFC MLBs

    Patrick Willis
    Jon Beason
    Brian Urlacher
    London Fletcher
    John Laurinaitis
    Bradie James'

    You still think he can make the top 2 among those guys?
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