Ben Jones to the Titans, 4 year deal

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by The Playmaker, Mar 8, 2016.

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  1. TitansWillWin2

    TitansWillWin2 Pro Bowler

    Potential. Im beginning to despise that word. We need a savy vet on this line. Mack could be our kevin m. we've been missing. Jones was average at best at center last season. He was playing out of position which caused a lot of penalties for him.
    • High Five High Five x 2
  2. nytitaner

    nytitaner Starter

    I know he sucked at tackle but he is strong and nasty, I could see Poutasi panning out at guard eventually. I agree that we do need to acquire a savvy vet on the OL tho.
  3. Clint8

    Clint8 Rookie

    Lol. Did you go google him real quick? He was playing through an injury and I wouldn't really say that he was playing out of position. He played mostly center at Georgia and he has a solid snap, so I believe he can make an impact at center. I'm not saying that I'm sure that's where he will play, just my thoughts on it. Mack is going to command 10+ million. People are knocking Jones for having a down year when Mack did as well. Jones is only 26 years old and still has room to develop.
  4. GoT

    GoT Strength and Honor

    Poutasi is a got'danged NFL G a Fing G not a T a G U A R D !
    #84 GoT, Mar 8, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2016
    • High Five High Five x 1
    • LOL LOL x 1
  5. Gunny

    Gunny Shoutbox Fuhrer

    Can't see them playing Spain over Poutasi
    • High Five High Five x 1
  6. rekirts

    rekirts Starter

    I'm comfortable letting Spain, Poutasi, and Bell battle it out at LG. We've invested a decent amount. Not every position on the line has to be good.

    Or Ryan Kelly in the 2nd and let Ben Jones play LG haha.

    Ben Jones being versatile is a really good thing.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  7. ImATitan

    ImATitan Pro Bowler

    Good signing. Big upgrade at a position we so desperately needed an upgrade at.. and with the likelihood of drafting Tunsil #1, it's better to not also draft a rookie C say in the 2nd-4th round.. Albeit Jones is only 26, he can assume a leadership position on the line for the young guys like Tunsil, Lewan, Warmack and either Poutasi/Spain. I'm quite happy about this signing.

    PUKE at the thought of going after Alex Mack, some of ya'll saying that even after knowing about this signing... LOL at 5/50 mil for a freaking C.

    No, this line is finished after we draft Tunsil. Be realistic guys. Not all 5 OL can be PERFECT.
    Tunsil-Warmack-Jones-Poutasi-Lewan has the potential to be a solid line. and it's quite possible Spain or Bell push Poutasi for that final OG spot. Heck, Schwenke & Gallik can compete at spots too..

    Demarco is going to enjoy running behind this OL.
  8. Clint8

    Clint8 Rookie

    Why? Simply because of draft position? When I scouted Poutasi, I definitely pegged him as an offensive guard. He could win the job, but Spain was a pleasant surprise. If Poutasi was a 1st round pick, I'd understand draft position coming into play. A 3rd rounder? 3rd rounders get cut one year in sometimes. Nothing is guaranteed. Spain > Poutasi at LG as of right now. That can change.. but you're not giving Spain enough credit.
  9. Gunny

    Gunny Shoutbox Fuhrer

    Unfortunately that is sometimes the reason. Plus he was a rookie last year so if he has an off-season of playing in a proper position they'll give him all the chances in the world.
  10. Clint8

    Clint8 Rookie

    You bring up an interesting point. Schwenke actually has the ability to play OG as well. I loved when we drafted him. I have been extremely disappointed in him and the injuries thus far. If he could stay healthy, I would love sliding Jones to LG.
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