Aaron Rodgers or VY?

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by xpmar9x, Dec 23, 2010.

  1. Aaron Rodgers

    120 vote(s)
  2. Vince Young

    16 vote(s)
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  1. CJtheBeast

    CJtheBeast Starter

    Now lets debate. No name calling, no irrelevant info. Stats and facts.
  2. Alex1939

    Alex1939 Space Invaders Champion

    I can't believe after this entire thread, season, playoffs that you are still backing VY as better than Rodgers.

    I imagine nothing I say will make any difference. But here goes anyway...

    I was actually at the Titans at Tampa game in 2007 when Vince got hurt for the first time. Twice after that season he ran for over 50 yards after that game, but he never really looked the same as a runner. He's hurt again in the 2008 opener. He ran for over 50 yards ONCE in 2009 and never again.

    He's lost his running ability. He is injury prone. He can't make it through a season.

    I was also at the Washington game this year. I witnessed VY put his hands up during boo's from the crowd. Boo's that were directed at the playcalling more than Vince. And Vince LET IT BOTHER him. He's a 5th year pro that has played in EACH season. And he is letting crowd noise get to him.

    I never bought any of the immaturity stuff, not even the strip club fight, not the suicide rumors which I still think our more about his mom freaking out, nothing... until I witnessed it first hand.

    He blew up on Fisher after the game as a known fact. That's immature as well. Anyone with sense would bide their time until after the season. Vince RUINED this season for the Titans. I'll give Fisher half the blame, but Vince doesn't get a free pass. He has to act more professional.

    Aaron Rodgers is EVERYTHING you want in a QB. He faced ridiculous pressure and adversity following the shadow of Bret Favre and dealing with his ludicrous retirement yes or no game. Everyone knows Favre was a jerk to Rodgers, very stand offish and unwilling to help. Yet Rodgers not only persevered he excelled.

    I also think Vince has seen more talent around him than Aaron Rodgers. Give Aaron Rodgers the 2008 Albert Haynesworth for one season. Give Aaron Rodgers the 2009 Chris Johnson for one season. Put Aaron Rodgers on this team both of those years and I think we at least have one Lombardi.

    And yes, Vince "CAN" be a good QB. We've seen the games. The problem is he can't do it consistently. Add to that the "other" problems, maturity, injuries, etc and we have some serious negatives that Rodgers doesn't have. Although I'm concerned about Rodgers concussions this season, but he's played so incredible of late that its hard to think of it as serious as Vince's leg injuries... as far as being a capable QB is concerned. Long-term health is a different issue.
    • High Five High Five x 2
  3. steverife

    steverife Pro Bowler

    How about Chiefs' coach Todd Haley? He has never played a down of organized football in his life.
  4. chamgel2

    chamgel2 Starter

    CJ, you continually throw up the fact that you played college ball, and that makes you know more about it then anyone else, but you continually throw up VY's passer rating as a reason he is better then Rodgers. VY had a very good passer rating this year, but that was in 9 games, at the end of the year Rodgers still had a higher rating then VY did for 9 games. If you want to count half a season, fine, compare VY's first half to Rodgers second, that would be a more fair comparison since each was the best half's of their career. For their careers they are over 20 points apart in rating, which is about the same difference if you compare VY's first half to Rodgers 2nd.
    VY athletically should be every bit as good as Rodgers, physically he can do everything Rodgers does. That is where the comparisons should end though. VY does not put in the work to be elite or have the maturity to handle the pressures of being an NFL QB. There is not a GM or a scout that would take VY over Rodgers, regardless of VY's upside. If you want to say you would love to put Rodgers mind in VY's body, I would agree with you, but to say flat out you would rather take VY's upside, that is wrong, because with VY you get VY's head, and that limits his upside. Rodgers is close physically, he can make all the throws, is accurate, is highly mobile, but his mind and leadership makes his upside much higher then VYs. Hopefully being cut is a wake-up call to VY and he gets his head into doing what it takes to be a NFL QB.
    I should note, I did not play college football, or high school for that matter. I did go to college on a full athletic scholarship for golf. I have loved football all my life, my talents were just in another sport, so if you want to question my knowledge, go ahead.
  5. chamgel2

    chamgel2 Starter

    I'm pretty sure Charlie Weis hasn't either, I know he did not play in college. So you had their HC and OC that had never played a down of football, yet they won the division this year.
  6. dbc5631

    dbc5631 Starter

    Tremendous post based mostly on what I'd call common sense. Don't get it twisted, Rodgers has a better awareness and can throw the ball better as well. Young may be able to beat him in a foot race and well, that's the point.
  7. CJtheBeast

    CJtheBeast Starter

    You mentioned nothing about stats and Vince has barely gotten to play with Chris Johnson. He also has barely gotten to play with Kenny Britt.

    But basically what you said is that Aaron Rodgers is the better QB because he's more mature at doesn't get injured.

    My argument,...

    Vince has played in a much worse offensive system than Rodgers (Favre thrived in Green Bay), he's played with worse receivers (no Britt for Vince...Rodgers has Jennings and Driver), and he got thrust into the starting position as a rookie with barely any professional experience.

    Plus he has more wins, had a better passer rating, lead an offense that scored more, and threw in a lot of situations where the defense knew we were passing.

    So I still think Vince is the better QB. We'll have to wait and see who is right.
  8. CJtheBeast

    CJtheBeast Starter


    I'll just ignore the 1st part.

    There's a "thing" about players. Some people have "it" and some people don't. There's a reason why certain players win a lot more in close situations and why some players fold.

    Football is a mental sport but its also a warrior sport. Rodgers is going to give you nice stats. He can put points on the board, and he can sling the rock. But Vince can do that too (he proved he could not only do it in college, but at a pro level) and he has the intangibles that will push you over the edge when the game is close. That's why he was able to win when he was younger in the league and didn't have great stats. If Young and Rodgers are playing on evenly matched teams with solid coaching I feel Young would beat Rodger's team.

    That's why I think Vince Young is better. He not only has that intangible that you can't teach a player, but now he has the complete skillset to go with his athleticism.

    In an offense that runs a lot of screens, play actions, and that can stretch the field the sky is the limit. That's why we had the highest PPG at the beginning of the season. The most important stat for a team.

    Call me what you want but you can't call me stupid or say that I can't reason. At times I'm the most reasonable person on this board.
  9. GeronimoJackson

    GeronimoJackson Brainwashed by the Left. Now I am free.

    If we had both, Rodgers can play the first 3 quarters for sure and Vince can come in if we need a 99 yard drive. There. Now everybody's happy.


    *Edit* LOL at Ewker giving this "it sucks", either you have no sense of humor or comprehension isn't one of your strengths.

    And CJ, I appreciate the "high-five", I really do, but hopefully you didn't take me seriously...lol.
    • High Five High Five x 1

    JCBRAVE goTitans 2019 Survivor Champion

    I'm gonna go ahead and take some of this heat off of CJtheBeast, he's didn't know you guys would hold his playing days against him. Can we not forget I can beat up Javon Ringer LOL. Sorry had to bring that up again.
    • High Five High Five x 1
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