2011 NFL Free Agency Thread

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by TitanJeff, Jul 25, 2011.

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  1. xpmar9x

    xpmar9x The Real Slim Shady

    Here's how I'm hoping we finish this week:

    Re-Sign CJ2K.
    Sign Ruud for MLB.
    Sign Bell or Re-Sign Harris.
    Sign Antwan Odom, Jacob Ford, or Dave Ball.
    Sign Derrick Mason for a vet #2.
    Re-sign Ahmad Hall.
    Sign Daniel Muir.

    I hope my dream happens.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  2. xpmar9x

    xpmar9x The Real Slim Shady

    Cut CHRIS HOPE and sign Dashon Goldson
    Cut CHRIS HOPE and sign Dashon Goldson
    Cut CHRIS HOPE and sign Dashon Goldson
    Cut CHRIS HOPE and sign Dashon Goldson
    Cut CHRIS HOPE and sign Dashon Goldson
    Cut CHRIS HOPE and sign Dashon Goldson
    Cut CHRIS HOPE and sign Dashon Goldson
  3. CJtheBeast

    CJtheBeast Starter

    Only other thing I hope for is a SS.
  4. Alex1939

    Alex1939 Space Invaders Champion

    Here's an idea I have and you can all tell me what a stupid fan I am for it.

    Instead of needing to sign all these defensive players, we could've used the three draft picks for J.Cook/C.Stevens and drafted defense. Maybe we'd have a starter or two and wouldn't need so much D help.

    And then for TE we could sign guys from FA like Todd Heap/Zach Miller/Daniel Graham.

    But I guess I'm idiot for wanting to use our draft picks. I'm sure Stevens and Cook can learn a lot more by spending another large part of a season on the bench. :rolleyes:
  5. Kaeotik

    Kaeotik Pro Bowler

    You thinking we would use Graham more than Cook is enough to stop taking anything you say seriously. If anyone here hadn't already reached that point with you that is.
  6. Fry

    Fry Welcome to the land of tomorrow!

    Where are you getting that they're going to be on the bench? Daniel Graham averages less than 25 catches per season. He's coming in to be the third guy, if he even signs at all.
  7. The Playmaker

    The Playmaker pineapple pizza party

    Is this a serious post? Are you really posting about how we should've done this and could've done that? Also how do you know those draft picks would become starters? It's a draft, no pick is a sure thing. Cook Jr is starting this year and Stevens is a valuable blocking TE.
  8. titantrusince82

    titantrusince82 I'm down with the Titans for better or worse

    Titans General Manager Mike Reinfeldt said now that the nine-man rookie class has been signed, he would turn more of his attention to the free-agent market.

    Included in that group are four 2010 Titans who became unrestricted free agents after the lockout — linebacker Stephen Tulloch, guard Leroy Harris, defensive end Dave Ball and defensive end Jacob Ford.

    Reinfeldt said the Titans have made offers to Tulloch and Harris, and he said the team would like to bring back both Ball and Ford as well.

    Asked about Tulloch and Harris, starters last season, Reinfeldt said: “We’ve had discussions with them. They have a certain idea of what their market should be, dollar amount. We’ve made offers to those players, but until there’s a meeting of the minds, they’ll be free agents.”

    Reinfeldt said there are at least four positions where the Titans want to add players — offensive line, tight end, safety and linebacker.

    “Even early (Thursday), everybody was focused on the rookies because the rookies had to get done to get into training camp,” Reinfeldt said. “The veterans, even if they signed today, can’t practice until Thursday. So the importance was really getting those rookies done.

    “Now it kind of goes back to those veteran players. We’ve been in discussion with a number of other players for certain positions, so I think you’ll see more some activity for those areas going forward.”
  9. xpmar9x

    xpmar9x The Real Slim Shady

    Cut CHRIS HOPE and sign Dashon Goldson
    Cut CHRIS HOPE and sign Dashon Goldson
    Cut CHRIS HOPE and sign Dashon Goldson
    Cut CHRIS HOPE and sign Dashon Goldson
    Cut CHRIS HOPE and sign Dashon Goldson
    Cut CHRIS HOPE and sign Dashon Goldson
    Cut CHRIS HOPE and sign Dashon Goldson
  10. Bababooey

    Bababooey Veteran

    Don't sign D-Mase and replace Ruud with Burnett and I'm game.

    Ruud is nowhere near versatile enough for our system IMO. Burnett is not expected to be asked back in SD and we're one of 3-4 teams reported to have (at least) inquired about him.
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