Which free agents should the Titans try to obtain?

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by TitanJeff, Dec 29, 2014.

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  1. cdubbs2121

    cdubbs2121 Pro Bowler

    Draft Williams, a lb, sign knighton, cromartie, and skull crushing linebackers. There I fixed the defense. Make me GM
    • High Five High Five x 1
  2. Scarecrow

    Scarecrow All-Pro

    I cannot believe people are actually talking about keeping Morgan. Guy gets 40% of his sacks against awful teams and disappears for months. Morgan is part of the problem.
    • High Five High Five x 1
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  3. CuseTitansFan

    CuseTitansFan Starter

    People have to stop thinking there is some one year fix for our defense. We don't have the money (even tho we do have a lot), we don't have the same draw as a team like the Seahawks or Patriots and frankly there isn't the talent in free agency , assuming most the these good free agents are either signed long term or tagged.

    My realistic signings for our defense our:
    ILB: Brandon Spikes - He's that thumper we need in the middle and he can rotate with ZB on passing downs. Give him a 3 year deal. (Back-up plan David Harris or possible cap casualties, Patrick Willis and Jerod Mayo)

    NT: Dan Williams - He's the perfect space eater we need in the middle and he has a connection to Whiz from Arizona and went to Tennessee for college. Plus Arizona has no cap space. (Plenty of back-up plans, just need a true NT)

    OLB: Very tough spot here because it's a position the Titans must get right if we want to have any success on D next year. Obviously if by some miracle Houston gets to FA I would just throw ungodly amounts money at him but I won't hold my breath for that to happen. More realistic options I currently like are giving Orakpo a 1 year "prove-it" deal and then either getting Worlids with his connection to Lebeau or Jabaal Sheard with is connection to Horton. Then consider James Harrison as a one year depth guy. (Also draft someone in the 2nd round.) I understand there a tons of other options here and that makes it super difficult but its a position we must get right this off season.

    CB: Byron Maxwell. FA corner market this off season is pretty weak but I think he will fit our scheme nicely with his size. If Revis hits the market I think we could throw our hat in the ring but not break the bank unless Houston and McCourty(below) don't hit free agency then go all in.

    S: Devin McCourty - I don't think I need to explain why this would be awesome. We just need to hope the Pats don't tag him but I honestly believe he would love to play with his brother. Plus then we can cut Griffin.

    I think these signings are somewhat realistic and won't break the bank too bad (assuming at most we would only get one of McCourty, Revis or Houston) and would leave a little room for some offensive help. I will post about offense later.
  4. 615nick

    615nick Starter

    I don't agree with you at all, that there is not a one year fix on d. The lebeau signing will help our d quite a bit by itself. We do have quite a bit of holes to fill, but 3 or 4 good football players will make our d miles ahead of last year. What I di agree with you on is the fas we should pursue. If we are able to sign a nt, ilb, olb and a cb our d will be ranked in the top half. Add a guy like mccourty, houston or suh along with 3 other "good" players, we could have a top 10 d next year.

    This of course if we can make moves on the other side of the ball too and keep the rested.

    We could have 60m to play with during the fa period. That is more than enough to sign 2 or 3 stars and 5 or 6 good players.
  5. Dee

    Dee Pro Bowler

    Pleeeeeease please please stop bringing up James Harrison.

    for 1 he is not going to end his career with a 2-14 team.

    2nd he has already said its Pittsburgh or retirement, that he does not want to move his family.

    No James Harrison.
    • Hit the Target Hit the Target x 2
  6. Dee

    Dee Pro Bowler

    Devin Mccourty is going to get the franchise tag

    that sucks because i thought it could have been a real possibility for him to sign with us.
  7. 305phonzo

    305phonzo Starter

    Greg Hardy
    Antonio Cromortie
    Ryan Mathews
    Terrance Knighton
    Jason Worlids
    Bryan Bulaga
  8. RavensShallBurn

    RavensShallBurn Ruck the Favens

    In no real order (other than Houston being at the top)...

    Justin Houston
    Byron Maxwell
    Jason Worilds
    Mike Iupati
    Devin McCourty
    Brandon Flowers
    Walter Thurmond
    Antonio Cromartie
    Brandon Spikes
    Brandon Graham
    Bryan Bulaga
    Randall Cobb
    Michael Crabtree
    Torrey Smith

    These are somewhat realistic options. Dez and Demaryius aren't realistic whatsoever. It'd be nice if we could grab Houston and maybe a couple other of the "cheaper" options from this list.

    We should've signed Flowers and Spikes last year, but we are Titans.

    And on Iupati... Just because we've been burned by Levitre doesn't mean we give up trying on FA guards.

    The biggest problem with all of these guys is the fact that we are going to have to massively overpay to get any of them here. That's the routine for now, but we have to be careful not to go too insane

    Webster doesn't care right now though. I guarantee you we get a couple of big name guys because Webster and co offer them way more than anyone else would. That's a good and bad thing. He has to go all in on this season... he isn't worried about the future.

    This is a dangerous spot to be in for us.
  9. Aqutis30

    Aqutis30 Do you mind - NOT being a Motaur?

    For those saying that Devin McCourty has 0 chance of coming here let me give you this. No doubt he still has enough in the tank for the Patriots to really want to keep him and thus slap the franchise tag on him, but winning the Super Bowl the prior season makes teams kind of soft a bit. Coming off a championship season, teams have a tendency to get a feel of their players on how they feel about their status with the team and are more lax to let them do what they want to do instead of being "all business". In short they become more humanistic.

    I am sure the Patriots and Belicheck know the "situation" with the McCourty brothers and this would be a great time for Devin to let them know they he may want to walk away and go play with his brother since he has another SB ring. This is the leg up we have if he indeed does feel that way.
  10. Dee

    Dee Pro Bowler

    Yesterday NFL Network was saying that the Patriots are already planning on giving him the franchise tag.
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